View Full Version : New Member....Survial Story to Help Everyone

22-08-08, 09:38
Hi everyone! Well I found this forum by accident. And reading all the posts broke my heart. I can relate to all of you and what you're going through.

I basically signed up so that I could offer all of you some hope. I think too many people go to these forums when they are suffering, but then when they get better they try to put as much distance from the person they where when suffering from panic attacks, and the person they eventually become when they are cured. I'm probably not being very articulate but when I was going through panic, 10 years ago, and 2 years ago....a lot of times reading other peoples stories would make me feel worse because it would give me this feeling that "Shoot...i'm in this for the long haul"

Well it doesn't have to be this way. I used to describe my anxiety as this little demon on my shoulder that i couldn't shake. It was always there, and it was always reminding me it was there. When you are cured though...all the fears you have...taht where so irrational..almost make you laugh..and that demon is nowhere to be found.

I have a friend who also went through panic attacks. The difference betweem me and him is that I cured myself. Yes i had a lapse after 8 years but I cured myself again too. Him on the other hand...he has accepted this. And is not fighting it. He self medicates way too much. He takes xanax daily. Before even having an attack. He just feels that he needs it to cope. He keeps having his doctor up his zoloft medication. He relies on drugs completly to get over his problem and he is very very negative.

I noticed that people who get panic disorder..tend to be negative..as i was. We tend to look at the worst and feel sorry for ourselves.

I don't want to be the standard that you should all judge yourself by. Everyone is different. But I never took more than 50mg of zoloft...and i never touched the lorazeapam the doctor gave me (its still locked away in a cupboard) I couldn't afford cognitive behavioral therapy, (i'm american..no NHS to cover psychiatric treatment) But I still got through this.

You need to rewire your mind. I couldn't undergo cognitive behavioral therapy so i went online and researched techniques...and gave myself the poor mans version of CBT. When you feel the fear...you have to say so waht.....you also should constantly remind yourself that you will not diea. When you think of things like going outside..taling to people...and shake with fear....embrace that feeling of fear...analyze it...see it as nothing more than your body being hyper responsive to stress....and then ride out the wave....when you do this properly..the fear....which often is marked by adrenalin being released into your system and effecting your heart rate and breathing etc etc becomes a mere tricle...and you can feel the fear fizzle out....like a wet match.

I wish i was more articulate lol. I just want to help. I don't think anyone should live a prisoner in their own body. Which is how i felt. But you don't have to be. Honestly. My first wave 10 years ago took 2 months to recover from....and there where after effets for a year afterwards. The last lapse....8 years later....that took a good two weeks to really see the symptoms minimize.

My best points of advice:

Find a webpage (liike this) and remember that nobody has died from panic.

Keep a journal. This helps a lot. I found my old journal from 8 years ago and it helped me during my second wave recover incredibly quickly. Because i kneew that all the things i was going through i had gone through before...and if i could come out of it normal once i could come out of it ocmpletlye normal again.

I go out, i hae a life, i date, go on holidays, travel the world, fly ...... i do it all. And i do it without terror and without worry. And I want this for all of you. I really do. It breaks my heart reading all these posts...seing how many of you feel trapped in your own bodies..unable to control outside circumstances and retreating into your shell. I have to tell you..hiding in fear is not going to help you. You need to be a warrior. You need to face this head on. you need to accept the panic when it comes nad laugh it off as nothing more than an overreactive stress response. Tske your meds...take calming teas...breathe SLOWLY (exhale...more important than inhaling..always exhale longer than you inhale) and don't rely on any crutches. Dont develop avoidance behaviors (if your afraid of going to the supermarket make yourself go and go with the attitude...this is ridiculous...the worst that can happen..i have a panic attack..so what...i know i can't die from them etc etc)

Yeah..again sorry I suck at telling my story lol. I just want to give you all hope. I live panic free. I dont take zoloft anymore. I sleep and live life and i do it without fear...(and if i do have fear its rational managealbe fear) i dont want you guys to be slaves to this. I want to see everyone recover. It's a horrible thing to go through but it doesn't have to last forever.

Much love and hope to you all

22-08-08, 11:33
Hi panic survivor

Thankyou for your message showing that with courage and determination we can all beat this monster which destroys our confidence and eventually our joy of life. You are right it is a positive state of mind that starts the process of recovery and reminding ourselves that it is only sensations and abnormal firing of excitable nerve endings that is causing our misery. I am glad that you found the way to recovery and your cure gives us all hope.

Thankyou for taking the time to leave this message of hope

22-08-08, 13:14
:yesyes: the panic survivor!!!! thankyou for your fantastic post:yesyes: this is truly the way to overcome anxiety/panic and we need to be constantly reminded of it lest we begin to see it as something it isnt - eg, a major defect in ourselves - thankyou again:winks:

Veronica H
22-08-08, 13:19
Welcome Panic Survivor
Your message means a great deal for those of us still struggling with the bewildering symptoms and thoughts that sensitised nerves throw at us. Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us your story. We need a great deal of courage to beat this illness and these messages of hope really make a difference.
Thanks again and best wishes
Veronica H

22-08-08, 19:13
Hello panicsurvivor

Welcome to the site, it was great to read your success story thanks for sharing it with us.

Take care


22-08-08, 19:48
Hi Panicsurvivor

Thanks for taking the time to post this message of hope for people on here.

:welcome: aboard as well and hope to hear more from you.

22-08-08, 20:00
Hi Panic Survivior welcome and many thanks for the positive posts, i know how much positive comments push us all on, thanks again and well done.xxx

milly jones
22-08-08, 21:56
a big nmp welcome

milly xx

23-08-08, 12:59
Hey guys.

Thanks. I was actually worried you guys where going to find my post too innarticulate and too hard to read. I write as I think. And I guess i should take the time to proof read etc etc.

I'm glad you guys appreciate what I said. I think that a lot of us do get cured but if we participate in forums like this; the last thing we want to do after the anxiety is gone...is to dwell in it. Years ago I was apart of a forum. When the World Wide Web was still young...and after I got better...the last thing I wanted to do was go back and post...the same thing the last time around.

I think when we go on forums like this...we're looking for help. But then once we find that help...we want to put as much distance from this "illness" as possible. Beating anxiety sometimes means turning your back and walking away and never looking back. I have felt guilty though. That i never came back and shared my story sooner with other people.

But yeah...i suspect many of you will get better...and you may be faced with feelings like the ones i felt. That you dont want to go back to dwelling on it so you'll probably leave this forum for good and never look back. But you all should know that people get over this all the time. And the success ratio is probably a lot higher than you would realize from the message boards.

23-08-08, 18:21
:D this is a funny one for me, because i actually prefer to come here when im well! i like to try to encourage others not to dwell on being 'ill' and to try to help them to see that they can recover, and that also these disorders can get worse if you dont 'face your fears' - its great to have ppl who want to help:yesyes:

23-08-08, 20:08
Hi panicsurvivor

Welcome nmp:welcome:
I think your so right what you say, i was panic free for 8 years and now its been back for just over a year as im going through the menopause (thats all i can put it down too) but ive got no intentions of letting it drag me back and down into the pits like i was years ago. Well done im really pleased your well and thanks for coming here to help others through.
Take care

24-08-08, 17:57
Hi PanicSurvivor,

Welcome to the site. I want to thank you as well for posting such a positive outlook on how to turnaround the vicious cycle of anxiety.

Take care,
