View Full Version : Near That Time of The Month!

Purple Fish
22-08-08, 13:34

My anxiety is due to PTSD but it`s usually worse two weeks leading up to my period. I`m due in the next few days and this time I have had the lump in my throat for two evenings now and itchy legs last night. I know these are the symptoms of anxiety so they don`t worry me as much as they used to. When I`ve had the lump in my throat before I thought it was really a lump! The itchy legs were possible skin cancer!! I`m hoping I`m getting better and will soon be able to cope with less Prozac!

Purple Fish :winks: xx

22-08-08, 13:40
Have you tried taking Agnus Castus? Ive been taking it now for around 3 months and have noticed a real change in my mood plus all the other symptoms that come along with PMS. I used to suffer terrible with hot sweats, swollen boobs, fidgety legs, mood swings etc.

Purple Fish
22-08-08, 13:56

No I haven`t tried that, I`ve heard alot about it though. I`m taking Norethisterone for my hormone levels and the Prozac seems to be ok. My GP has never suggested me trying anything else.

Purple Fish :winks: xx

24-08-08, 11:35
I also suffer badly with hormones and the time of the month. I have tried some hormone pills but they don't seem to be helping me much. I get very tired and cannot sleep, get anxious and worried about everything. I am going to go back to docs but not sure what they will do. I just get so fed up of feeling this way as it isn't nice. Its isn't pleasant for hubby and kids either but being selfish about it, its hardly nice for me having all these emotions and not being able to sleep etc.
You are not alone x

24-08-08, 16:25
I've been feeling terrible as of late, really terribly anxious, easily provoked into a panicky state, and unable to sleep too, and I started mine today. I wonder if a lot of my insomnia was due to this all along!

24-08-08, 16:30

My periods have got real heavy latley, and as for the itching it drives me mad, its my head that itches the most.

Ohh to be a man..lol
