View Full Version : Weight loss/ too thin / appetite problems

22-08-08, 13:47
Just wondering if anyone has been suffering from appetite and weight problems. Since I started having real anxiety problems my weight has dropped substantially, and after weighing myself this morning I was 9 1/2 stone which I'm sure is too underweight for a 23 year old. I also no longer fit into size 30 waist jeans even with a small belt (the belt doesn't help at all). It sounds silly but I'm constantly having to pull them up all the time.

I'm certainly not anorexic or anything as I want to try and gain weight. I'm not a massive eater either but I do have 4 sandwiches plus fruit and snacks, and an evening meal every day. I certainly don't have the appetite I used to but I put that down to the anxiety. Does anyone else have similar problems or have had any success gaining weight?

22-08-08, 14:40
I have also lost alot of weight. 67 pounds. I could afford them then, I cant now. Anyway, you are losing weight because when you have anxiety or panic your metabolism is going at a high rate of speed and has to have more calories to sustain what you are burning off with the attacks. It is like running a marathon everyday. Your body is using every bit of food you put in your body for this. Have you ever noticed how tired you become after an attack? Its because your body uses every fuel source you have to fight. Just make sure you keep eating and maybe a little extra and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Take care.

22-08-08, 16:32
Thanks for your words of support gtrgrl :) it's true, I seem to be tired all the time and it must be related to that. I wish you all the best too.

I gotta get the bus home from work in 15 mins, panic's starting to set in again!:unsure:

22-08-08, 17:08
I can sympathise... I bought a pair of size six jeans today... which was sort of symbolic as I had always promised myself I would never go smaller than an eight, but I got sick of pulling my trousers up all the time! The size six ones aren't any too tight, either. I have dreadful IBS with my anxiety which ruins what appetite I have, I have come to dread mealtimes and that awful 'I must eat something' feeling. I wish I could just be a size 8-10, that would suit me fine, but I can't do it. I also have emetophobia which makes eating so difficult.
Anyway, sorry, this isn't about me! Just wanted to say you're not alone, and all the skinny bashing that's around in the popular press at the moment doesn't help... I don't know about you, but I get comments from people I would never get if I were at the other end of the weight spectrum! It just makes me more self-conscious and miserable. xxx

22-08-08, 18:22
Hi, I am exactly the same, I also cant eat well at all when I am panicking or anxious. I am the total opposite of an anorexic I get into a state about losing weight and am always trying to put it on !. Some people think I am cracked but I know I am not the only one. I hate mealtimes when I cant eat and every mouthful is an effort when your stomach is churning. Milk is great if you like it as it is a food so I would drink as much as you can. Also the more you worry about losing weight the worse it gets ! another vicious circle.

Best of luck to both of you and let all us skinnies stick together !

22-08-08, 19:41
Hey Samira and Zebedee :)

I also tend to get comments like 'stick' and 'rake' which aren't helpful, nor is that I bought new clothes that no longer fit me (constant pulling up of trousers can be a bit much in public!). I wish you both the best in feeling better- I also have a form of emetophobia that seems to kick in before and during travelling, and it can last the whole evening if it's been bad, so I can completely sympathise. (hence my comment about the bus earlier!)

When I went to a pub recently with my friend, I was so anxious at the start that I ordered a very small portion. But as I was eating it got better and I ended up hungry in the end! Sadly though it affects me every time I go in I get nervous about not being able to eat.

And I'm a big kid as I love milkshake! The calories are a bonus of course :D thanks for that suggestion!

I can't believe some people diet to get like this!

23-08-08, 01:26
Hi Graz,

I can relate to this as it happened to me before. As has already been pointed out it doens't really matter how much you are eating- though obviously the more the better. When we get in the anxious cycle we do burn off lots and it is scary.

In another thread I posted about Complan. I'll have to either stop doing it or start asking them for commission. :D

Complan is a supplement that you can take with your meals- I used to take mine as a milkshake. When I lost alot of weight I got really worried and this helped put most of it back on. It's available in most supermarkets in the UK. There are also alot of similar products which if you look are in the same area in the supermarket and probably do the same thing cheaper.

All the best


23-08-08, 01:44
you don't say how tall you are..
..i have dropped down to 6st 11lb although at 5'1" that is only slightly underweight.
If you are eating normally (honestly!) then you should see your dr.
But if you are not feeling great, perhaps depressed, you are likely to lose your appetite (amongst other changes) and its possible you haven't realised the extent of it.
Best advice I can give is if you've lost your appetite try to eat breakfast, even if you don't normally - something like a yogurt drink or smoothy is good. Then try to eat small but frequent healthy snacks, eg, piece of fruit, mini cold meat n salad, bit of pasta, etc. It would be a good idea to ask for a referral to a dietician if this is an ongoing problem.
The advice I've been given to specifically GAIN weight is to eat things like cheese, milky drinks, plenty of protein (meat, beans, pulses, etc) but ALWAYS maintain a balanced diet - it sounds so simple but i cannot stress enough that if you skip meals, eat junk, drink coffee and so on, your body will not know what the bloody hell its doing!!
However, having said all this, I do believe it is perfectly possible to suffer weight loss as a direct symptom of stress (which can obviously result from anxiety/panic).Why? God knows!
Good luck.xx

23-08-08, 10:33
Yes indeed - I had very similar problems! Whenever I get anxious, my appetite naturally vanishes. this was once sustained over a period of about 7 months, during which time I went down to 7.5 stone, when my normal weight is just over 8.5 stone. I really fretted about it, but of course, the more I fretted, the more I lost! My doc said as long as my periods were still happneing, I was ok. They did alwyas happen - had a few missed periods and some werer late, but on the whole fine. I eventually put more weight on after six weeks of taking anti depressants, and starting to feel better - my appetite returned naturally. I am now back up to 9 stone - I like having a few extra pounds, 'just in case!'. my only advice is to eat little and often, and try to add calories wherever possible - lots of butter/mayonnaise on sandwiches, avocados, ice cream, milk shakes etc etc. I also really liked bananans, weetabix and soups. Hope this helps!

24-08-08, 10:02
Hey Nechtan, Carly and Seeker, wow I didn't expect so many people to be in the same situation!

I definitely agree that the anxiety burns off a lot as I end up sweating like I'd run a marathon, which is certainly good evidence for that. I'll certainly give the Complan a try, the chocolate one sounds good to me! Thanks for the suggestion :)

I'm 6 feet, so pretty tall....and I do try to eat normally but I tend to get full very quick, and because of that I find it awkward to eat out (always having small portions and things like that!). I have breakfast at the weekend, but on the weekday mornings I'm so anxious about going to work (and feeling sick) that I don't feel hungry at all, and trying to force down breakfast made me feel worse...but I'll certainly try to eat more little and often :)

It's certainly nice to try and add calories rather than reduce them! Whole milk is a lot nicer than skimmed, and full fat things are usually much nicer than low fat! :roflmao:
It's a shame that anxiety causes a big loss of appetite like that, as it's easy to assume you're doing it on purpose (as some people do) but it's certainly not the case. I'd do anything to be able to enjoy a 3 course meal again... what really brings it home is if I put my arms down by my sides I can feel my pelvis bones either side. Not so good!

Thanks for the replies everyone :)

27-08-08, 12:12
hi all, i suffer with appetite problems too. the strange thing with me is that i eat but i still feel hungry afterwards, im starting to get use to it now but a few week ago i felt like i couldn't eat atall. i would wake up feeling starving and very weak and sick but when i tried to eat i felt worse which led me into a big panic. now with me still feeling hungry im scared of waking up and feeling sooo ill again. does any1 else get these symptoms??

29-08-08, 18:41
hm well, im new to anxiety attacks and all, but i did loose 10 pounds since last week because of it. my appitite has been completely obliterated too, which is unusual cause i come from a family that loves to eat :D hahah. but really, ive gone back to eating how i normally did, even if i have to force myself. cause what happened is, earlier in the week i felt ill from the anxiety, and i didnt want to eat. it caused my blood sugar to drop drstically and i ended up in the hospital. basically, if youre hungry, fill your stomach, even if there is no desire to eat. maybe what might also help is weight lifting? since muscle weighs more than fat. i mean like, cut the cardio and do some weight lifting. that will help you to gain some bulk. :D its just a suggestion, since im not an expert on this stuff haahah i just try to help. oh, and personally i know that people try to eat fatning things so theyll get fatter, ehhh i dont really agree, because having lots of fat and sugar to me seems like it wouldnt help your adreniline. i think itd be good to try and eat more protein maybe, but not too much. cause if you just eat fatning foods it may make you gain weight but it isnt healthy and can make your feelings worse. (it certainly doesnt help your arteries that are already in strain from anxiety :P) again, this is just my opinion. cause i know when i exercised i felt a s**t load better, and i felt totally extatically happy about everything. so just give it a try maybe. it releases dopamine in the brain!!! :D

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29-08-08, 19:26
I would give anything to lose some weight.

30-08-08, 21:27
I was at Burger King today with a friend, and bought a double cheeseburger. Apart from being not hungry, I was anxious about the burger itself as it arrived warm, not hot...and the burger wasn't delicious at all. I used to love them! I coudn't finish it in the end and had to get out of the restaraunt after a while...

Sheryl, I believe my weight loss was linked to being extremely anxious and having panic attacks- I was told my metabolism goes through the roof! It's true as my heart pounds, I shake and sweat like crazy so that must be using up energy. I'd much rather feel more normal and be putting weight on!