View Full Version : University Lectures

Malton Seadog
22-08-08, 20:46
Hi all,

I'm going into my final year of Uni in September and I'm concerned about lectures.

My first panic attack and start of my anxiety was after lectures had finished last year, and so it's not been something I've encountered before.

My exam in May resulted in me being put in a seperate room. I applied for special measures stating that controlled and busy environments made me anxious.

I will contact the University shortly, but does anyone have any experience of dealing with large lecture halls? My main worry is the 'controlled' situation bit. I use this word as I feel like my movement is severely restricted. If I get up and walk out, I WILL feel embarassed, wheras walking through town I'm fine because I can walk anywhere. This is an 'uncontrolled' environment in my own terminology.

My first meeting with my mental health practitioner is on 12th September which is just 10 days before Uni starts again. It's cutting it fine and I know I won't be cured by then. I honestly don't think I can face these lectures.

Uni offer a scribe service, whereby someone sits in on lectures and writes notes. Perhaps they could do this without my presence? I'm a good learner from home, but I don't know whether they'd be willing to let me go all year without attending a lecture!

22-08-08, 21:19
Have you tried sitting in an aisle seat, or near the door, to see if that makes you feel less stressed/claustrophobic? Or sit at the back, so you can get up quietly to stretch your legs without disturbing anyone else (might be worth just slipping a quick word to the lecturer first)? Would getting a memory card for your mobile phone, and voice-recording the lectures (assuming your phone has that function) take some of the stress away?

24-08-08, 10:21
I'm a lecturer :) In big rooms I would also recommend sitting near the aisle and at the back. It's harder if it is smaller room and there is only a door at the front. Probably the lecturer won't even notice you leave at the back if you do it quietly and are reasonably near the door. But I think you could drop them an email to let them know this might happen (in case they think it's them!).

I have a student with severe anxiety and panic attacks. He let me know in the first week he might leave lectures sometimes. The only problem I guess is that when he starts feeling like he needs to get out he leaves it for a bit too long then tends to rocket up from his seat and bolt for the door. He comes to around one lecture a week out of three, but he is doing okay. He has disappeared for a week a couple of times but because I know about it I usually contact him to check on him. It is good to work with your lecturers, tutors and student support people.

Also check with your uni, but all our lectures are recorded and students can access them through the course home page. If they use powerpoints etc you could ask for copies of these. Do you have a friend in the lecture? They could record it for you on the offchance you need to leave.

25-08-08, 21:04
I completely understand how you are feeling. My anxiety and panic attacks started in University. I would attend lectures and sit at the back near the door. I spoke to all my professors and the admin, about the situations. Most were very understanding. Just knowing that if I needed to leave I could helped a little bit. I too had to write exams in a seperate room. I know how you feel about getting up in the middle of a lecture and feeling embarrassed. My advice to you (I need to follow this too) is to take it one lecture at a time. That way when you make it through the first one your confidence will grow for the next one.
Take care.