View Full Version : facing tough week ....help

22-08-08, 22:56
Hi every1 hope u are all ok
i have a tough week approaching ....Ive been off work 6weeks due 2 anxiety and agoraphobia ..and due bak 2 work in 2 weeks ..scary in itself ....but week b4 I go back my daughter is going away 4 aweek as her dad is getting married so they taking her on hols ....in 9years I have never spent more than 2 nyts away from her and im soooooo anxious. Im worried that i will just sit in the house and cry and go bakwards in my treatment ..knowing that I have 2 go bak 2 work week after ......i suffer with agoraphobia but havin my daughter has pushed me 2 get out but with her away how do I carry on going out ......what makes it worse is my 2 friends that help me are also on hols that week ARGGGHHHHHHHHxxxx

sorry 2 ramble on but need ideas on how 2 keep myself occupied that week xxxxx
Titch xxxxxxxxxx

22-08-08, 23:02
hiya titch well this could give u an incentive to fight this more and when she comes back she will be really happy and surprized how far u have come. use the time to keep busy decorate, change the house about, have a good old clean and tidy etc and make plans and set goals and see this as a positive thing for you. you will be fine and u got me here an everyone ese to if u need us. hugs xxxx

22-08-08, 23:11
Thanx donna ....wil really try 2 keep busy but will be hard havin no contact with others.......id planned on decorating her room but due 2 bein off sik i havent the money 2 buy paint etc.....so thats upset me aswell.....xxxit will soon be over i know but dreading that week xxxx
titch xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

22-08-08, 23:17
well if u need me that week or any other week i am here xx

22-08-08, 23:23
Thanx ....big big hugs ..and ditto .hun xxxx

get ready 4 100 messages a day lol xxxxx

22-08-08, 23:26
haha as long as my fingers hold out for the typing back i will be here waiting hun. xx

22-08-08, 23:39
haha ok ill try and limit it 2 50 a day ......so yr fingers dont get 2 stressed xlol
hugs m8y xxxx

hope u feelin ok hun xxxx

22-08-08, 23:42
you could always come and clean & decorate my house! :winks:

22-08-08, 23:53
lol Kendo ....deal ..haha prob is gettin me there haha u may have 2 sedate me 1st lol xxxx

22-08-08, 23:59
lol Kendo ....deal ..haha prob is gettin me there haha u may have 2 sedate me 1st lol xxxx

You remember the telly show the A-Team?

"You ain't getting me on no airplane, fool!" ZONK! :whistles:

23-08-08, 00:03
haha i loved the A Team, titch we will Zonk u then u can clean his house hehe

23-08-08, 00:29
Hhaah yeah ill b Mr T ....all tough and full on till i have 2 leave house then u can zonk me out lol......