View Full Version : It's my 30th birthday soon... uh ohhh... lol

23-08-08, 10:22
It's my 30th soon, the big three O...

It's going to be a quiet one by the looks of it. I just don't want to drink
and people are already trying to harass me into going out and having a mad one. It's about a month away still too!

On the one hand I have strong will and patience. On the other hand I love getting drunk with my mates and loads of girls. Only 30 once right?

Damn this will be hard to resist... I know how bad I'd feel after it if I folded and went out, but it promises to be a great night. Shhh...ugar. lol

I'm not a weak person. If I decide not to do it, I won't do it, regardless of any peer pressure or anything else. As always I am my own worst enemy on this.

One great night... paid for with months of HELL after it...... nah.
Not worth it.

If I can resist drinking for 3 months and then on my 30th, (I used to be a sailor like!) then nobody has any excuses for drinking while they have panic attacks. Nobody. It's a terrible idea.

In fact forget I said anything. There's no way I'm drinking!
I'm going to go for a year dry. Never done that since I was a child. IN FACT this is the longest I've gone without ale since I was 14! lol :noangel:

23-08-08, 10:49
why don't you suggest to your friends to go out for a meal instead of a night on the town, that way, you don't have to drink like a fish cos you will be all eating & you could maybe have one glass if you wanted & make it last a long time, then if anyone asks to get you another drink, just say you have a headache or something & don't feel like it. Hope you have a good birthday anyway. I am 30 next yr & bloody dreading it!!!

23-08-08, 10:50
or an even better excuse for not drinking, drive there instead! no one can pressure you then!

23-08-08, 10:58
or an even better excuse for not drinking, drive there instead! no one can pressure you then!

One small problem with that plan mate I can't drive. I won't be allowed to learn if I have panic attacks either will I? I don't want a car anyway. I'd be gutted if I ran a cat over or something... or someone.

I could just pretend I fell down the stairs and make a fake plaster cast on my legs. Winner! lol

Or just say my sanity is more important than bragging I survived going round the sun 30 times. lol

Nah I don;t need excuses, I'll just say no... like the grange hill gang told me to do! lol

23-08-08, 11:17
haha, yeah good idea hun, if you don't want to & then if you do go out you won't enjoy yourself. Best do what you want to do, it's your birthday after all.

I don't know about not learning if you have panic attacks, I drive, but I seem to be panic free when in car. Got my driving to focus on then instead of how rubbish I feel! Don't blame you for not wanting a car though. Cost too much flippin money. :(

26-09-08, 21:54
Made it. Didn't touch a drop. I haven't drank for 5 months now. I'm going for a year at the moment, but I don`t even want to drink anymore so maybe it`s for life. I also haven`t drank or eaten anything with caffeine in for almost 4 months.

Feel pretty good lately. Been exercising a lot recently (ride 10km everyday and do weights) it deffinitely sorts you out.

The meds only take you so far and you have to do the rest yourself. There's no magic cure unfortunately.

26-09-08, 22:02
Hey Tweek:D

I fell down a 6ft deep pothole on my 30th:D

On my 40th a put myself to bed in the airing cupboard:blush:

Given up counting now but nuff said:lac:

Kaz x x x

27-09-08, 16:49
LOL rock n roll. :roflmao: