View Full Version : Mitral valve prolapse

23-08-08, 10:27
Has anyone been diagnosed or tested for Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) ?
Mother-in-law has it with regurgitation and I've been reading up a bit about it and it appears the symptoms include Panic and Anxiety.

In most cases it seems a benign condition but I was wondering if some of the guidance/treatment might help some of us.

God bless.

24-08-08, 03:47
I guess most of has been tested for the condition without knowing it, as abnormal ecg's or clicking sounds when the doc is listening to your heart often indicate MVP.

When you have symptoms of panic disorder, doctors try to rule out f.ex thyroid problems and MVP immediately, but they seldom tell you so.

I have a lot of the symptoms descriped in the links you included, but then again that's the problem with panic attacks - they mimic a lot of other conditions.

Luckily MVP is almost always almost benign (you can even work out hard with this heartproblem), it's fairly rare (2%), and for some reason it's more often occuring in women than in men.

23-02-12, 23:47
i also have mvp i just found out from doctor ,i have bad anx and finding this out has realy made me panic more ,i would like to chat about it if u want to :)

15-10-13, 15:32
I have recently been diagnosed with MVP and have also been suffering from Anxiety for about 5 years now. My cardiologist tells me that these two things seem to go together. He said that it is normal for woman from 20 to 40 to "feel" this more than men or older woman. I have been working on my anxiety for a the past year and i have reached some of my major goals. IT's important never to give up on anxiety and let it rule your life. And with the MVP it's best to just try to ignore that it is there and take the best care of yourself that you can. I have changed my diet and exercise routine and live every moment the best that i can. Hopefully this helps calm your nerves about MVP. Good Luck!!

Luna night
01-10-15, 15:09
Hi guys
I have it Mitral Valve prolapse, also suffer from terrible panic attacks. Diagnosed after a random check up.�� also my GP told me because I am small on top it's a contributing factor.

01-10-15, 16:49
My mother has MVP and she has suffered with anxiety most of her life.