View Full Version : I am new

23-08-08, 11:14
Hi I have suffered health anxiety for years everything from HIV to CJD and loads in between. I usually peak twice a year Christmas and especailly the summer since my mum died. This year I have had lots of CBT which I thought had helped.. Now I don't know whether I have anxiety or am actually ill. I am trying not to seek reassurance by going to the doc but feel I need to go back. I went yesterday about my cough as I had coughed up some blood. I have some antibiotics now. But my cough is high up and my throat feels conjested and like there is something in it by glands are up and I am worried I have throat cancer or mouth cancer or similar. I know these symptoms are similar to anxiety symptoms. I think I need to go back on Tuesday but should I wait till I finish antibiotics first. Oh I hate feeling like this CBT has gone out the window, completely self obsessed. Well thanks me any replys or advice wellcome oooh I am jane by the way.

23-08-08, 12:32
Hi JAne and welcome along to NMP

Have a good read of the left hand menu and there is excellent support in the health anxiety section of the forum to be found.
Hope your throat feels better soon

Pooh x

23-08-08, 13:46
hiya and welcome, your anxietys are very common hun an u will find good support here and advice. have a read too of the menu n the left hand side for issues, self help etc it can be real useful. hugs xx

milly jones
23-08-08, 21:40
hi hunny

welcome to the world of nmp

a super community with supportive members

love milly xxx

23-08-08, 22:17

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get loads of good advice and support on here

Take care


24-08-08, 18:02
Hi Jane,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you found us.

Take care,


25-08-08, 20:43
Hi (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=34460&page=5) Jane

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

26-08-08, 20:57
Hello Jane And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda