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celia davies
23-08-08, 13:58
me pls whats going on with my body i keep tigling im out of breath

23-08-08, 14:27
You are hyperventilating. Thats where the tingling is coming from. Try taking deep relaxing breaths. Breathe in for a count of 7 and hold it for a count of 3 then release to a count of 7. Hyperventilating causes alot of symptoms to your body. Slowing your breathing down will help greatly. Have a glass of water. I hope you feel better soon.

celia davies
23-08-08, 14:55
thank you,why r we like this i feel like a weirdo i need help feel like im
crackin up what if i go mad

23-08-08, 23:51
Please don't think you are a weirdo. If you are then you are in good company because there are lots of us about. It is only natural to feel this way when our body is doing things out of our control. It is strange and frightening.

The best place to start is to find out about what is going on with your body. When you do you will see it's not so strange and hopefully get reassurance from that. I would recommend reading Dr Claire Weekes books which are available on this site. When you know what is happening and why it gives you a platform to build from. The biggest problem in the begining is not knowing.

Basically the sensations you are feeling are the ones we all get when we encounter fear. It is our body's way of dealing with the prospect of danger. It's like a faulty trip switch but although it's not nice it is harmless.

All the best


24-08-08, 01:08
breathing into paper bag does help when I'm hyperventilating