View Full Version : Miserable

23-08-08, 15:47
I just started yesturday at college. With anxiety going through a big change like this is really taking it's toll on me. My fear basically comes from the fear of throwing up and also doing it in public while not being able to make it to the bathroom. Of coarse feeling this was makes it rather difficult to meet new people because it is hard enough to be in the social situation in the first place. I am just looking for any suggestions of ways that i can lessen the anxiety so that i can try to meet new people and have a far less scary orientation. I see a therapist once a week and i already take a lot of medications...

23-08-08, 16:08
Carry a few plastic bags (or airline sickie bags) and a pack of mints in your pocket/bag, so if you do want to puke, you can do so in the sickie bag, then suck a mint to freshen your breath.
I believe ginger tea, mint tea, camomile tea, all have a soothing effect on feelings of nausea.

It might also help if you spoke with your campus counsellor/health worker? He/she may be able to give you some further suggestions how to cope with your stress/anxiety. Ask the counsellor (or your Student Union rep) if there is any sort of "Mentoring" scheme, where they can hook you up with a senior to show you around? Perhaps your uni has several 'societies' of interest that you can join? ie, Music Society, Christian Society, Chess club, etc. to make friends with others who share the same interests??

I'm sure once you settle in and make a few friends, your stress/anxiety will lessen. Just remember, all the freshers are probably all feeling just as nervous. It's only natural.