View Full Version : New and feeling crazy

23-08-08, 18:18

I am new to this forum and I would like to share a bit about my 'crazy' feeling.

I have been on Fluoxetine now for about 3 years and all was well, recently my anxiety has started again and the Dr has prescribed Propranolol (on top of the fluoxetine) which I have taken now for 5 days (40mg in the am and 40mg in the pm). Today has been very strange in that I feel 'outside looking in' not actually fainting but feeling light headed and not myself.

I am really fed up with this now and it is affecting my life as I am having to spend more and more time working from home (dunno how long my employers will tolerate this). Travelling is a complete nightmare and I am convinced that the moment I get a slight tingle in my fingers that it is the start of a panic attack.

Do any other readers take propranolol and if so is it a temporary side effect, or should I go back to the dr and say that they are not working as I feel just as anxious - In short I feel like I am going crazy and it being a 'mental illness' that no one can see, I am sure that some people think it is all in the mind - if it is - how the hell do I get rid of the feeling?

Sorry for the long post, I am feeling desperate today :weep:

23-08-08, 20:16
Hi Vixjade.
Welcome :welcome: :welcome: to nmp. I hope you find the help you need here and... im sure you will.
You will get lots of support and make new friends who will help you get through this.
Ive never taken the meds your on, so sorry i cant help you there, but im sure someone will reply who might be able too. Maybe you should go back and have a word with your gp and tell him how your feeling, see if he can help you.
Take care hun.
:bighug1: :bighug1:

milly jones
23-08-08, 21:38
hi hunny

welcome to the world of nmp

a super community with supportive members

love milly xxx

23-08-08, 22:20

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support here.

Take care


23-08-08, 22:29
HI Vix

I take prozac and I have also taken propranalol too I was on 40 mg three times a day. Perhaps you just arent used to the sensation of the drug and the combination. The feeling of being outside yourself may fall under derealisation/depersonalisation. There is info about this too your left if you check out the menu. Having a look at the forum will also let you know how common a symptom this is.

Welcome to NMP Pooh x

24-08-08, 18:09
Hi Vix,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Sorry I've not been on that med. Glad you found us.

Take care,


24-08-08, 21:28
Hi Vix,

I'm in a similar situation in that although I've only started taking Fluoxetine, I'm finding travelling to work unbearable, and work itself is a struggle. I've recently written to my boss about this and will have to see what he says. I've taken Propranalol before, but it did have a positive effect that it slowed my heartrate down- but I did feel much more tired.

See if you can get a job very close to where you live. I'm certainly trying the same thing, but as my work is quite specialised it's not easy. All the best.

25-08-08, 20:37
Hi (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=34460&page=5) vixjade

:welcome: aboard and lovely to se you here.

Hope we can be of some help

26-08-08, 21:01
Hello Vix And Welcome, I Wish Ya Well, Linda