View Full Version : The poop analyzing obsession is back...

23-08-08, 19:21
Not a very fun subject, even a bit yucky...well very yucky but yeah..

I've had HA for 3 months and a month ago, well, 5 weeks ago I had blood in my bowel, it lasted 4 days (fresh, red) and then I was given anti-acids and fiber pills from my doc and it never returned. But since then, I have been OBSESSED WITH my bowelsss!!! I can't seem to flush it away without staring at it forever and trying to figure out if there is anything sinister in it.

Anyway today I went and I noticed it was smooth and about 1 inch or .75 inches WIDE, should it be wider? Is mine too thin?? I'm scared.

Also I have tons of gas, I breathe funny and thats probably increasing it, and when the gas reaches my lower abdomin I get sharp pains but I start poking around in there and try to convince myself I have bowel or colon cancer.

So yeah...does my bowel sound normal?:blush:

23-08-08, 20:21
Sounds like a load of cr*p to me. Badoom-tish. :roflmao:

Seriously though, I think that as long as you are eating healthily (plenty of fresh fruit (prunes & rhubarb) & veg & fibre (all-bran cereal), cut down on red meat) and drinking plenty of fluids (non-alcoholic, fruit juice/squash), your 'movements' should be 'normal'. You may get more-than-usual wind at first, might just be 'gripe'.

A good indication of healthy digestion & bowel movements is your tongue. (Settle down at the back).
I mean, if your tongue has a yellow fur coat, you may have digestive problems. If your tongue is clear, your digestion should be ok.

If your doctor has passed you A1, you could try some Chinese herbal tonics (try google or asking your local health-food store).

As for being obsessed, as long as you're not fishing it out and spreading it under a magnifying glass, don't worry.

23-08-08, 20:51
Not a very fun subject, even a bit yucky...well very yucky but yeah..

I've had HA for 3 months and a month ago, well, 5 weeks ago I had blood in my bowel, it lasted 4 days (fresh, red) and then I was given anti-acids and fiber pills from my doc and it never returned. But since then, I have been OBSESSED WITH my bowelsss!!! I can't seem to flush it away without staring at it forever and trying to figure out if there is anything sinister in it.

Anyway today I went and I noticed it was smooth and about 1 inch or .75 inches WIDE, should it be wider? Is mine too thin?? I'm scared.

Also I have tons of gas, I breathe funny and thats probably increasing it, and when the gas reaches my lower abdomin I get sharp pains but I start poking around in there and try to convince myself I have bowel or colon cancer.

So yeah...does my bowel sound normal?:blush:

Everyone's faeces is different I have seen tons of the stuff in my years as a nurse. Just flush the toilet and stop looking at it.

24-08-08, 21:56
Ok so I looked again...is there anythign wrong if certain parts are light brown and others are dark brown? it's not black, just dark brown and the othe rpart is light brown....

God i n eed to stop this obsession.

25-08-08, 01:16
Any other colours?

25-08-08, 01:39
Step away from the poop! ;)

Depending on what you eat and drink it's going to look different and have different shapes and sizes. As long as there is no blood. If you are truly worried then ask your Dr about it that is why they are there.

25-08-08, 08:34
was there any sweetcorn in it? LOL

I only ask because our poop changes depending on what we eat. See the doc if you are overly concerned

Pooh x

25-08-08, 16:44
LOL, no sweetcorn and no other colors.

You guys are funny. This is an onn and off obsession for me...when i had blood in it 6 weeks ago, thats when it began. The blood never returned, but the obsession has stayed.

Captain America
25-08-08, 17:58
i did this....had some 'issues' too and then obsessed over it.
actually i still look, but don't 'obsess' so much anymore. i got 'over' it by changing my kid's diaper. (he's 2). i know that sounds funny, but he has sometimes 3 different color poop in one poop. and that's just the start of what comes out of him. so i figure, since i know he's healthy, then i'm pretty sure i am too even if i get 3 different colors, or funny yellow triangles.

okay i never did get triangles. but if i did, i certainly wouldn't worry about it.

25-08-08, 18:38
Captain America- LOL!! that's hilarious!

triangles, hmmm..now that would be something.