View Full Version : Symptoms

14-05-05, 18:44
I started my new job last Mon and I worked Tues aswell and then I was off work on Wed (felt really good this day) and then Thurs all day my chest felt, sounds strange but warm and very tight and then I was back in work Im now getting quite a few symptoms in work, its just annoying really Im doing my best to ignore them and tell myself all is ok but In work Im feeling like Im gona stop breathing any minute and like my nostrils may close up!!sounds strange doesnt it but thats how it feels I am getting awful pressure headaches and also if I get a cough I have to have a drink because I feel like I may choke!!Are these still anxiety symptoms Im ****** fed up of them now!I cant believe how many symptoms you can get from this thing!!!I am enjoying work and doing well but I just want to feel normal if you understand....I think Ive got Panic Disorder as nearly all day I have some sort of symptom but Im worrying Ive got an illness....Please send me some great advice again PEOPLE!!!X Kirsty X

14-05-05, 18:49
Hiya Kirsty

I think it is normal to still feel a bit anxious about the new job as it is something new in your life and it may take you a while to settle down completely.

I used to panic terribly at work and get all those horrid symptoms that we all get. I used to go outside, take some long deep breaths and try to cope the best I could.

Things will get easier in time I promise.

You are doing so well so try to keep praising yourself for that and I know it is hard to ignore all the aches and pains but they will go in time.

Do you take Rescue Remedy - you could sip some of that in water when you feel particularly anxious over all the symptoms.

Hope it works out for you soon and stick at it ok.


14-05-05, 19:23
Thanks Nic Its not even stressful I think Its with not working for a while and like you say it does take a while to settle down, My main issue at the moment is my breathing I can really focus on it and panic myself I think its because Im so consious of it now after doing lots of breathing exercises!. I do take rescue Remedy Im not sure if its workin really but Im gona carry on taking it because Im getting on with things!. X

14-05-05, 19:52
I'm sure that you will settle down soon and that things will get better. It's always scary starting something new. Good luck!! :D

14-05-05, 20:13
Hi Kirgray,
sorry things are stilll a little rough right now, you have done so well going to work, you sound as if you are coping just fine, i'm the same as you right now, all day, no matter what i'm doing, i have 'a symptom' i am trying to remember that's all that they are, it is NOT a terrible illness, nor a deadly disease it's that blooming thing called anxiety, it will gradually go away, be patient and keep working at it, although i know how easy that is to say, and how hard it is to do. I can promise you Kirgray, you will not stop breathing!!! take care xxxxx

15-05-05, 00:23
Hi Kirgray,

Rebound anxiety,.... It passes . You may feel very uncomfortable but you will be fine and this will pass.

Keep visualizing you being calm and coping well and ignoring symptoms as they will pass..

Keep going


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

15-05-05, 00:29
Hi Kirgray

You're doing well. A lot of people would be anxious starting a new job, let alone when you have anxiety and panic anyway.

These are just symptoms of anxiety and you will not stop breathing.

This will pass as you settle into your job.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

16-05-05, 11:16
Hi Kirsty,

Sorry to hear about your symptoms. I agree with what everyone else has said, they are anxiety symptoms and they will pass with time. I know if I was in the same position, I'd probably be feeling the same! It's normal to feel anxious when you first start a new job. You've done really well to come this far - a whole week at work is a massive achievement!

I wish you loads of luck and hope the next week goes well for you :)
