View Full Version : hello aaaaall!

24-08-08, 02:59
I haven't been on here in ages and I missed this place so I thought I'd give a quick wave, and maybe start posting more again I'm not really sure at the moment but I'd like to! hehe

How is everyone anyway? Things have been ok for me I'm currently living in Canterbury with some friends. Anxiety is very bad really, probably at it's worst but at least my life is pretty fun or could be, I just wish I had it in me to enjoy it more!

I'm currently planning moving back to London or somewhere soon though, as soon as I find a place a to go!

and I'm not really sure what this thread is for as such, just nice to have somewhere to say hello!

By the way, would maybe a subforum for completely random gossip near the top of the main subforums listing page be a good idea? As it would be nice to have somewhere to completely forget anxiety for a while and just chat about absolutely everything :) This subforum is maybe that I'm not sure, but just wondering if it's been considered or if it basically happens in "Misc"!

Chat later anyway everyone, and take care!


24-08-08, 03:11
and i just read back over some of my old threads/posts - and yeah I really do miss being here! :) it's great to have somewhere to let it all out and I'm certainly not out of the thick of it yet.. thanks for just being there through everything everyone and NMP and being something of a lifeline! hehe! =)

25-08-08, 09:12
Hi Hoppi and welcome back to NMP

Pooh x