View Full Version : Strange sensations when trying to sleep

24-08-08, 03:14
This is my first post and I am starting to feel quite frightened. This past week whenever I have tried falling asleep I get a "rush" feeling to my head as I try and relax. Sometimes it feels as if it is comng from the pit of my stomach on up. I have had "falling sensations" before, but this has gone on too long. Now, I tend to wake up with similar symptoms. I may hear my son cough or some other noise and I wake up and get that feeling in my stomach and then another rush. I keep feeling these things while I am asleep and I am almost convinced something is wrong with me. I am exhausted. Basically, i lost my grandmother back in March which has triggered severe anxiety and panic attacks for me. I have been to the hospital twice and had to call 911 once. All tests came back fine (EKG, blood work, X-rays, even a CAT scan of my brain). I got to a point where I was getting better, then recent less severe stressors triggered more anxiety for me and I feel I am back to square one, but without actual panic attacks this time. I am constantly worrying about my health and these recent symptoms aren't helping. I am afraid to sleep but I am so tired I just have to -- only to be rudely awakened a short time later with these weird sensations. I'm scared. :scared15: Thank you for listening.

24-08-08, 10:00
I get this too. For me I think it is something to do with falling asleep and "losing control" when I do so, since I am anxious in general at the moment. Of course it then wakes me up and I panic a bit, then it only makes it harder to go to sleep. I'm pretty sure it is anxiety with me and also linked to actually falling asleep in the bed, because I fall asleep very easily if I am in the lounge watching TV etc! Very annoying. Eh, its not bedtime now so I can tell you that I think it is part of the anxiety... rationally, but it is still scary when I am trying to go to sleep and then I start the "maybe there IS something wrong with me". Argh.

24-08-08, 10:22
i got this when my anxiety was really bad it is an awful feeling, you kind of feel a rush and like you are your organs are just going to stop working, is so scarey you should try and do some relaxation breathing breath in for 7 and out for 11 this really helped me get my breathing under control and also made me realise i was feeling this way becasue i wasnt breathing properly which causes the rushes hope this helps alittle xxxx

24-08-08, 13:40
when falling asleep and waking up its totally normal to have a lot of weird sensations, so try to remind yourself its normal and the sensation will soon go away x

so jems like
24-08-08, 22:48
Hello !! I am only 18 but I think I can relate to you. I started getting panic attacks starting this summer. In the beginning, everytime I tried sleeping I would get a rush/wierd sensation all over my body which would force me to jerk back up. I felt like my heart was going to stop and I felt very light headed and I just didn't feel right. I researched a lot, and it's because our anxiety is triggered by stress and a lot of emotion. This is causing a lot of tension to our body and our body is not used to being 'relaxed.' I used to get panic attacks everytime I woke up from a nap or whenever I tried going to sleep. After awhile, I got used to it and it went away. Recently, I started getting that wierd sensation again but all you have to do is relax and accept it. It's all just a symptom. I feel the same way you do, the worst part of my day is the time when i'm trying to go sleep. But it'll get better soon :) keep your head up!

25-08-08, 09:57
Hello, I have had this too when things are really bad and it is sooo horrible, but it does pass, I have tried lots of stuff and have a really helpful doctor. If it is soo bad I can't sleep I hav diazapam just for one or two nights then a couple of nights of nytol and then usually I have calmed down enough to sleep. I know lots of people do not like tablets but I use diazapam under my doctor but probably only use 8 tablets during a year.

25-08-08, 11:11
hiya this is probably the same sort of thing, I get weird symptoms when I wake up, its like I have had weird dreams, and I get my thoughts rushing into each other, I am thinking really weird random things, this then sets me up for panics and I start imagining I have some really strange mental illness this then sets up the whole sorry cycle for the day, its really strang but I dont worry about having weird symptoms falling asleep. If I do I put it down to my body shutting down for the night

anyone else troubled by this,

cheers me dears:hugs:

25-08-08, 21:48
Thank you all so very much for your reply. It meant a lot to me so many of you responded to me, and reassured me. I had one good night sleep since I wrote this, but last night while i was sleeping, I kept feeling that "rush" again. I didn't wake up this time, though, but my thoughts about it have been with me all day. I am afraid to go to bed not certain what the night will bring. Even durning the day I have just started feeling just weird -- almost like I need to stretch a lot. And, when I am not feeling that, I am left with a "fuzzy" sensation under my skin in my legs and lower back and now in my arms. I can't explain it. It's so unnerving. I am pooped! You all take care, and thanks again for being there for me. I hope at some point I can return the favor. All my best, Wiskers ~

28-03-18, 12:55
Hello everyone. Im.not sure how old this thread is but hopefully not to
Old and maybe I can help someone. I am 53 years old now and have had panic and anxiety attacks all my life, sleep paralysis ( where the mind wakes up before your body does and I can't move) hearing things and feeling things while I'm falling asleep. I also have sleep apnea so I use a cpap machine every night. Whenever the mind gets to overwhelmed from stress that keeps building your mind will get to a point where it starts effecting your body. It's called the mind/body connection. I have so much i can say here to help anyone with panic anxiety attacks and other sleep issues. I've been to point of a total break down from panic and anxiety that it literally debilated me to where I couldn't do anything but lay on the couch with my face towards the back of it. Please email me if you wouild like help or would to talk. I am not.a Doctor or medical professional. I can only give you information on things I tried (not talking medication or buying a bunch of things). A wise man told me A couple things that helped me. You cannot be panicky and anxious and calm at the same time. (Relaxation technique know lots of ways). Remember panic and anxiety will not hurt you. It is a body's natural emergency system going off when it shouldn't. I don't want to post a huge reply. If anyone wants information you can email me. with the information I have I no longer have an issue with sleep problems. Panic and anxiety etc. One other thing this wise man told me is "Behind every thought is a feeling, learning how we react to those thoughts is very important". Have a wonderful day everyone!! :)

28-03-18, 20:19
How ironic. I just experienced such a panic attack today. I was sitting back in my chair when my stomach started feeling weird and then all of the sudden I began to feel a physical rush in my head. It was uncomfortable so I got up to walk it off. The panic lasted about an hour and then subsided. Now I have a headache and stuffy sinuses. The stomach ache (nausea) has also subsided. I think it is panic, not the kind I have ever had, but still panic.