View Full Version : No physical symptoms

24-08-08, 12:07
Hi guys,

Been suffering from anxiety/panic on off now for 2 years. Was initally put on citalopram and managed to fully recover so was off them and free from this horrible illness for about 8 months. Then all of a sudden out of no where it came back. So much so that i have unfortunately had to go back on the meds, only because i know they worked before. However my question is this. I know that all the physical symptoms, although very scary, cannot harm you in any way and so this has helped me pretty much get rid of all of them. If one comes along i say to myself you have been here a million times and nothing happens to you. My main problem is now in my head, and it is so hard to explain how i feel :( I cannot seem to shift it, if i could i would be completely free. Ill try explain the best i can. It feels like my mind is tired, feels like there is so much tension in there. Its like im worrying all the time but i dont know what im worrying about and it is so annoying!! Does anyone have similar problems and know how to deal with it?


24-08-08, 13:16
i've started keeping a worry diary, i honestly didnt think i worried that much, boy was i wrong! i find seeing a therapist help full. maybe try meditation its good for calming the mind, yoga is good too. i see worring as a bad habbit, n it's very hard to stop, the trick is to noitice when the negitive thoughts come n to try to stop them.

24-08-08, 13:29
Hi baldy_1812

It's all about brain chemistry. Unfortunately it takes time for the brain to get back to a stable level after having some form of emotional trauma. Antidepressants don't cure depression they only alleviate the symptoms, so giving you the opportunity sort out whatever caused it in the first place. The best quickest way to regain a healthy stable emotional level is to have positive thoughts about the future. The more intense and frequent the thoughts the quicker you get better. It's positive thinking and positive anticipation the produce the happy chemicals in the first place!


25-08-08, 13:08

My symptoms are rarely physical, I have at times experienced body shakes, pulpitations, tight chest, hard to breathe, legs feel like lead one day and then I feel unable to stand another.

However these symptoms are rare. Usually it is all in my head and very hard to explain. So I will try to explain it the best I can. It is like something is stopping me, holding me back, my thoughts are blurred, I am worried my mind will lose control, boy it is hard to explain! It is anxiety. Anxiety is different to panic, for me anyway.

What do I do? I tell myself it is anxiety and remind myself I have experienced it many times before and it will go away and inevitably it does. I feel for you because I know it is horrible and it is important to find the balance of pushing yourself a bit but not too muchxxx

25-08-08, 20:58
Hi...My symptoms are usually more mental than physical. It is very hard to explain the mental ones to anyone. I think it is from all the worrying and thinking I do. My brain feels very foggy and tired.
Take care,