View Full Version : Bad day

jacqui doll
24-08-08, 14:13

I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. Yesterday I suffer the worst panic and aniexty attack of my life. For 4 hours of my life yesterday it is a blank. Mt husband and my brother called for an ambulance and apparently i was taken to hospital and sudecated. When i eventually came round i felt tired and confused as to what had happened. I spent several hours takin to a physcarist. Left the hospital with more medication. The crisis team are calling out with me today and tomorrw as it is a bank hoiday. Im feelin drained and my husband is still in shock at the state of me. I dont know what to do or say. We are due to go to sapin on 30 August 2008. don't know what to do?????? My dad doesnt understand what is going on and has told me to pull myself together... The thing being i have got so good at putting on masks...... i dont know which one is real.........

If anybody can offer me or my husband some advice, then please feel free or just leave a comment which would be nice....xx

24-08-08, 14:59
Hiya Jacqui :)

Sounds like you had a really awful day yesterday, I'm not surprised you and hubby are still feeling the aftershock today.
I'm not sure if I can advise because I don't know what led up to you having the attack and being taken to hospital but I'm glad to know that you are having some support over the weekend.
Perhaps you could post some details of what happened yesterday it might help?
By the way..I think we are all very good at wearing different "masks" to suit the occasion..you're not alone. :)

jacqui doll
24-08-08, 17:29

Before my attack yesterday I was feeling restless. I was aware of a uneasy comin over me, then blank. Apparently I stay in an unreponsive state for 5 hours. I was singing and hitting my legs. My husband then decided to call the dr, who in turn sent for an ambulance. I wasn't until 4.30 pm that i came responsive and was aware of my surroundings. I have never had an attack like this before and it completly scared me. I dread to think what my 5yr, 3 yr and baby seen. It breaks my heart. I was feeling ok before the attack and i was not anxious..... what do i do about the family hoilday on Sat ???? xx

24-08-08, 17:47
Hi Jacqui,

I don't know if i can make you feel any better, because it sounds a little out of my depth this one!

I would just like to say that i hope there is a solution for you and your family. I hope you start to feel better and that you don't dwell on this too much.

Well, i don't think i helped, but just know that there are many people on here who can give advice for many things and many people who care enough to give that advice.

24-08-08, 19:24
Hi Jacqui,

What a terrible time you've had. You must be feeling terrified after what happened. I'm glad you've had some support over the weekend and hopefully you'll get more during the week. You and your husband need to talk about the holiday and maybe ask the professionals if it's a good idea to go. Myself, I would be wary of going away while you're feeling like this. You need time to recover and help from various medical professionals, like the crisis team, which you won't get if you're on holiday.

That's just my opinion anyway. If you feel you can do the holiday then of course you should go, but think about it first and don't make up your mind without an in depth discussion. Your head must be all over the place right now so I suggest you get as much rest as possible. Please let us know how you get on.


24-08-08, 22:06
Hi again :)

Jacqui, I would agree with Sunnydays on this one, I think you need to get the advice of the team who is looking after you this week.
I'm not an expert, far from it, but to be honest this doesn't sound like a panic attack..given the fact that you blanked out for a while. Have the crisis team given you any ideas as to what they think?
Regardless of all this, if you think you can manage the holiday then maybe you should go but I guess it depends on how you feel. Obviously after what happened you are going to be frightened but are you scared of going away because you have anxiety and panic, or is it because you're worried the same thing may happen?
I think these are things you need to discuss with your team/psychiatrist but don't forget you have the support of people here.
Also, try not to worry about your kiddies, you couldn't help what happened and I'm sure they will have got over any distress quite quickly. :)

25-08-08, 01:32
How truly frightening for you and your husband. I hope today is a better day for you. Please know you are not alone and we have all been there done that and bought the not so wanted t-shirt. I've had a rotten day today but I know from the years going through this that i will be ok eventually... It's tough for people that have never gone through this to understand so I think that is why your Dad told you to pull yourself together. I would advise printing out some information about Panic attacks and GAD and let him have a read about it. It may help him to realise that although you look fine your body is throwing you curve balls (to adopt an american phrase) and you are dealing with it the only way you can right now. If you have anyway to see a CBT therapist I would recommend it, breathing techniques are amazing and can really help you out. Take care and best of luck.

jacqui doll
25-08-08, 10:36
thanks everyone for your words of advice and support. I'm just going to take one day at a time. The scary thinkg for me is if the same thing happens again, especially if i am out of the country. The crisis team do believe that what happened was a panic attack (they say my aniexty had reached such a point that it had sent my body into shock which is why i cant remember.) anyhow thanks once again for everybodys support and i will keep you all posted. xxxxx