View Full Version : Anxiety is Back!

24-08-08, 18:01

I usually only come on these boards now to say how well i'm doing. I don't like to dwell on the negatives. I had been doing well, very well, if you've ever read my previous posts you'll see that. However, the past couple of months haven't been so good. I've had two very bad anxiety attacks and i can't seem to get my head straight again.

All this coincided with my therapist leaving me for a while. She had to travel and couldnt see me anymore. I can't 100% say that's the reason for my decline, but i think probably a deciding factor.

So, my therapist recently returned and i had my first session last week. I just can't seem to get it right, i'm not sure if i'm going to be able to do it. However, everyone thinks that i should be okay and if i don't try then i feel like i'm being blamed for that.


24-08-08, 19:13
First off, it is great that you have been doing well. Dont let this set you back. It sucks that you have had a few attacks but if you keep your mind in the positive frame instead of focusing on the bad. We have to train our brains and although it is hard at times it can really work. Good Luck to you, I hope that it was just a minor set back and you are bak on track soon.

25-08-08, 16:57
thanks Alison.

I'm still not sure where i'm going from here. I sometimes feel like i want to give up, but i know i've come such a long way and done so much. How can i forget all that?

The worst thing i think is when people say to me things like 'you've done this a million times, you can do it now'. I may have been, say, to the supermarket many times, but now is a different chapter. I need to take a few steps back to go forward again. If i take it like that maybe i can make this thing, but if i feel too much pressure, i can't take it.

Veronica H
25-08-08, 17:56
Hi Gregor
Whatever triggered this setback, the results are the same in that you are emotionally exhausted and your nerves are sensitised. I think you need to give yourself some time to get your head around this. Don't fight it or tense against it, take a rest. You know you can beat it, but you may need to recharge your batteries before you can contemplate it. It has to be at your pace.
Best wishes
Veronica H