View Full Version : new member,just to introduce myself

25-08-08, 00:47
hi everyone.
i just found this website and registered.i m 22 years old,female,and i think i have serious problems with my mind,thinking and living my life properly.
i just feel different and i dont fit in anywhere.
i am depressed for a long time now,and even when things go right,very soon i get depressed again...and the story always repeats.
i cant seem to find my way out of my depressing thoughts.
i am hoping to make some friends here and people who might understand what i am going through,because noone else around me seem to understand me.
all i get is judging,i m being called bad names,and it makes me feel unworthy and i think of suicide from time to time.
i m sure there are people out there who could understand me.
but i also know that most of the people would just think there is somethign wrong with me and turn their back on me.
i am just so unhappy with everything about me.
and this is just the short introduction...
it feels uneasy to write this,but this is my cry for help...

25-08-08, 00:53
Hi and Im glad you have written this, Welcome to the site, please feel free to write as much as you can, there is always someone here who understands how we feel, you will find lots of answers on here and make lots of new friends.xxx

25-08-08, 00:56

And welcome to NHP:-)

You will find no one in here will judge you but what you will find is that many will be able to relate and everyone will understand or at going least try to.
Do pop into chatroom and say hello but also keep posting and I'm sure you can also support others with what you are going through.


kevin xx

25-08-08, 01:39
Welcome. People here wont judge you, they are here to help if they can and listen if they cant. I hope you find what you are looking for here. There are alot of great people with experience that might help. Take care honey and post again with any questions or help you may need.

25-08-08, 03:05

25-08-08, 08:31
Hi and welcome along to NMP.

There is lots of support to be found on the site and in the forums

nice to have you along

Pooh xx

25-08-08, 20:38
Hi (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=34460&page=5) Lost

:welcome: aboard and lovely to se you here.

Hope we can be of some help

26-08-08, 20:59
Hello Lost And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

26-08-08, 21:02
aw! i hope you feel better soon! there is lots of support to be found here! WELCOME! x

26-08-08, 21:19
Hello Lost

Welcome to the site I am sure you will meet some great people on here who will offer you good advice and support.

Take care


26-08-08, 23:11
just wanted to say welcome, and that you're nt alone :) I'm going through alot of what you talked abut right now (and am also new here) so kind of know some of the things you're going through. :) Hope you're ok, and let me know if you want to talk,
Tabs :)

milly jones
02-09-08, 17:52
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: