View Full Version : New and need help!

25-08-08, 03:00
Hi to all!!

I was diagnosed with Anxiety last October, 3 days before my 22nd Birthday! I had suffered before i went to the doctors for about 2 months and my worry had just gotten so bad i had a sort of little breakdown!!

I went on Effexor XR and it seemed to ease my symptoms a little but i dont feel it was all that fantastic! Anway i seemed to recover and i took my self off the Effexor in April! I was on top of the world!

A week before my wedding- which was in June I went totally down hill again and struggle to get back to on top of the world! Yet again i had another "breakdown" and went back to the doctor 4 weeks ago!

I am now on Lexapro 10mg and seeing a pyschlogist.

I'll post another post in the GAD section as i need some help/ advise from someone who may have experienced that same thing that made me anxious.... my relationship!!!

Talk soon!

25-08-08, 03:05
First off Welcome.
Any life event can trigger anxiety. Some people have certain triggers like health issues or flying, it all depends on the person. I hope someone who has experienced something similar can help but I know you will find lots of support!

25-08-08, 08:31
Hi Punk and welcome along to NMP

Pooh xx

25-08-08, 20:28
Hi Punk

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

26-08-08, 21:03
Hello Punk And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

26-08-08, 21:16
Hi Punk

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here

Take care


milly jones
02-09-08, 17:45
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: