View Full Version : frustrated with this

14-05-05, 21:46
Hello everyone,
just thought id write to see if it helped to get my frustrations out of my system. Some of you may know that my main symptom is dizziness and feeling like im going to pass out and i get this on a daily basis. It was getting to the point where its preventing me doing things so i booked a doctors appointment. On the day of the appointment i managed to get the 2 buses home from work and go to the shop at the end of my road without feeling dizzy at all so i was in a really good mood. Anyway i was really nervous about going to the doctors because ive been before about it and didnt want to look stupid but the doctor was really nice and seemed understanding. He is referring me to anxiety management and also prescribed me prozac and valium for emergencies. Im a bit wary of taking medication and i plan not to take the valium at all if i can help it. I read up about possible side effects and it has now scared me!!! Now when i am feeling dizzy i am scared its a reaction to the tablets and i really will faint as some of the side effects are dizziness and anxiety!!! lol. I have had to cancel my night out tonight as i started to feel scared of having a reaction to the tablets and because i didnt know if i was allowed to drink on them because ive read conflicting advice so i thought it'd be easier to just stay at home.

Now i am really frustrated with the whole situation and it feels like such a let down after the really positive day yesterday. Sorry to ramble on but i thought it might help to share my worries.

Hope everyone else is doing OK
Love Em xxxx:(

14-05-05, 23:07
Hi Emmie,

I answered your other post. Dont read the side effects. People like us, will only read more into it. Think in a few weeks time, those tablets would have kicked in, and you will feel a more positive person, and will be able to start moving in the right direction.

Take care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

14-05-05, 23:55
Hi Emmie and welcome

Dizziness, lightheadedness or nausea - is caused by a shallow breathing.
When we face stressful or unpleasant situations we tend to take short fast breaths.
Try breathing long slow and deep breaths, that will help a great deal.

I was suffering from extreme dizziness last week, I felt as if my head was underwater. It turned out I had conjection in my ears, I was given nasal spray, and that has helped a lot.

Once you master the deep breathing you will find the dizziness will start to go away.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

15-05-05, 00:34

Its true that whilst settling on on those drugs that you can feel worse for a few days before it gets better- still it s very unlikely that you will faint and you still need to carry on going out.
Alcohol is not recommended but still used by may without bad side effects.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

15-05-05, 12:56
Stimpy- thank you for your advice. I am going to try thr deep breathing again- i always give up because i find it really hard to control my breathing and it sometimes feels like it gets worse when i am trying to control it. I will read up about the methods to use though and give it another go!!!

Meg- I have heard that you can feel worse for a while on meds, i have been feeling very lightheaded since yesterday and its very difficult to tell whether its anxiety or whether its due to the prozac.

Is prozac often used for the treatment of anxiety when depression is not present or does it mean the doctor thought i was depressed? Sorry to sound stupid but the leaflet that came with the medication only mentions depression, ocd, and eating disorders.

Em xxxxxx

15-05-05, 15:13
hi Em,

Anxiety and depression are very closely linked so a med that treats one will normally treat the other one, too. Prozac is prescribed for both.

Sarah :D

15-05-05, 15:30
Hiya Em

I was on Prozac for about 9 months and I don't remember getting many side-effects on it. Maybe that was cos I felt so rubbish anyway that I never noticed anything more.

It helped lift my spirits (the depression at a guess) but never touched the panic attacks so I came off it. Perhaps the doctor thinks that if he can make you stronger in yourself then you will be able to cope better with the panic. If I knew then what I know now then I would have been able to cope better but I never had all the advice of a site like this so didn't have a clue how to get better.

I continued to drink whilst on Prozac and didn't have any adverse reaction to it.

Hope it settles down for you soon.


15-05-05, 19:12
Hi Nicola and Sarah,
Thank you for your replies-i guess the best thing to do is to try to relax and just see how the medication goes after the initial 2 week starting off period and then decide from there.

Im a bit worried as i have a night shift tonight which means i will be alone most of the time and when i am tired sometimes its hard to distinguish the symptoms of anxiety from just plain tiredness. I am going to go armed with fruit and lots of magazines to keep me occupied during the quiet moments and hope for the best! lol

Love Em x

15-05-05, 19:17
Good luck with your shift Em!! :D

15-05-05, 19:19
aww thank you very much- that made me smile! :D

15-05-05, 19:42
*Is prozac often used for the treatment of anxiety when depression is not present *

As I mentioned in your other post , it is not actually licensed for anxiety but does get prescribed for it widely. It is licenced in the US.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

15-05-05, 22:14
Hi Emmie

Hope your night shift goes okay for you. I know you will feel isolated but dont forget we are all here to help you all we can.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

16-05-05, 12:56
for the last year or so ive been taking half-inderal la (propanolol) and it had alleviated the mental/physical? congestion and dizziness that you have described. Its something that I had learned to accept, as being inate in everyone- its only when I eventually found a sympathetic doctor (at uni) that I appreciated that this was exceptional and could be treated. Had tried the full spectrum of anti-depressants- I guess these helped me scrape myself up off the floor, but the side-effects were awful, and made me feel even more detached from reality. Although the symptoms have not entirely gone away, and I still get some bad episodes, the inderal has been a great help. Im still neurotic, but it doesnt paralyse me like it used to- kind of at the woody allen level rather than donnie darko now!!!!

Nolite te *******es carborundorum

16-05-05, 17:59
Sal-thank you for your kind words- it does help a lot to hear people being so caring and understanding.

Machinaexdeus- i am glad to hear you have come down from donnie darko level! lol. I'm scared of getting side effects like you mentioned but it seems different things work for different people so i will ride with it for a while and see what happens. Good to hear you found a more sympathetic doctor-they are not always easy to find. The first doctor i went to was adamant i just had vertigo and that i should forget about it.

Take care
Love Em xxx

16-05-05, 22:23
Hi Em

We all worry about side affects and how i tried to reason with them i got from my anti depressants was to read the side affects you could get from just taking a paracetamol and it made me come down to earth.

You coped last night and well done you. Pleased you got through it and will always be here if you want some support.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.