View Full Version : New One

25-08-08, 10:11
Hi All,

Another new one here. Im 34.
Ive been getting anxiety attacks for over a year now. Cant quite remember them starting as I didnt know what they were and just thought I had started to feel shy/nervous around people, mainly at work.
Doc put me on 80mg propanolol per day about a year ago, which kind of did the trick. I came off them 4-5 months ago thinking I was ok. :doh:
I wasnt and at the end of July I had this massive attack at work & just left and havnt been back since. It was awful, I felt like I was going mad. Doc put me on Buspar at first to straighten my head out, then last week he put me back on the propanolol, 160mg per day.
They seem to be working. When I feel one coming on my heart doesnt race and Im a lot more calm. Im not telling myself Im cured, without the propanolol I dont feel I can get out the door. I see a cousellor once a week too as I feel there are multiple issues that brought this to a crash.
Look forward to getting to know you all.

25-08-08, 10:36
HI MX and welcome along to NMP

nice to have you on board

Pooh xxx

Veronica H
25-08-08, 11:54
Welcome MX5
You will find comfort, support and understanding here. I take propranalol 10mg x3 per day, and it does take the fight or flight panic away, and allows you to focus on the reasons you are anxious.
Best wishes
Veronica H

25-08-08, 20:26
Hi MX5

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.