View Full Version : What has happend to me?

14-05-05, 22:42

I'm new to this site which I have found helpful reading about people similar to myself. I guess I am looking for a bit of reassurance as I haven't had a good month.

I'd say i'm quite an ambitious and strong person but I am a terrible worrier. It's something i've never been able to control. Christmas was a a particularly stressful time for me and since then i've been feeling quite down. I have a good job and I have to work really hard. As well as that i've been studying law part time since last year so I hardly ever have a moment to myself. I think things came to a head a few weeks ago as i'd been feeling quite tearful and withdrawn for a couple of months. I went to the doctors and was put on antidepressents, which I didn't think I needed. After a couple of days of taking them I think I had my first panic attack. This is where I need help guys, as I am hoping what I experienced was panic and nothing more...........I was in the car and all of a sudden I cam over all lightheaded and sick, my throat felt extremely tight like I was going to choke and I was seriously scared. When I got home I had to lie down, as I felt so exhausted. My arms and legs felt so weak. That night I didn't sleep a wink as I was quite traumatised by what had happend that day. I had a couple more similar attacks after that whilst at work, tight throat like I couldn't swollow and a terrible feeling that I was going to faint. I also think that I had experienced some side effects from the medication so I came off them. As well as this i'd been suffering from a nervous feeling in my tummy and tummy pain etc. so I had several different blood tests done which where normal but I can never stop worrying. I am constently feeling anxious every day. I feel like I am no longer in control of myself and it's frightening. I know I have had a lot of pressure the last few months and can only assume that this has contributed to the way i've been feeling. The worst day was when I woke up and felt like I was in a black hole. I felt like I was going to die, I felt so weak, I was shaking, I felt like my legs would give way if I walked, I couldn't eat or sleep...............I never want to get to that stage again. I've been getting better and haven't had it that bad since but I still get like it every couple of days or so. Sorry for the long post but please, if anyone can help me i'd really really appreciate it as I want my life back. x


14-05-05, 22:53
Hi Keri,
I too am a terrible worrier- my head is always full of a thousand and one thoughts and i find it really difficult to shut off and relax. What you describe does sound like anxiety to me and i can really relate to the feeling faint and the tight throat feelings. It's so scary when it's happening and I am still trying to tell myself that it's anxiety and i will be OK because sometimes it doesnt feel that way. I hope you find some comfort in knowing that you are not alone in this.
Take care of yourself

Em xxxx

14-05-05, 23:37
Hi Keri,
Firstly, welcome to the site!
If you look at the order in which you have listed the symptoms of your panic attacks, you'll see they gradually get more and more intense - we get scared and start fearing the worst and the situation escalates.
The key is to not fear the symptoms. No one has ever died from a panic attack alone and if you ignore the tightnness in your throat, the feeling will eventually pass.
Obviously, this is easier said than done and almost impossible to achieve when you are in the thick of it. I've been having CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) for a few months now and it has helped me get to the stage where i still experience high anxiety but can stop myself short of a full blown panic attack. CBT basically helps you conquer the fear of all the terrifying symptoms you describe - it also helps you turn your negative thoughts into positive ones (and really helped me to cut down on all that worrying).
I was in your position just four months ago so i can totally empathise with what you say about feeling like you just want your life back. I promise you will have your life back in time - you are not alone.
take care,
henri x

14-05-05, 23:37
Hi Keri and welcome

It does sound like a case of stress overload.

If you were new to the medication, that could well explain the anxiety symptoms. Not all medications suit everyone. It took 3 goes before I found the right one for me.

I don't think there is anything to worry about concerning the blood tests. If anything was a miss they would detect it.

Anxiety suffers always worry more about health issues. I think it is because the symptoms we feel are so unpleasant that we think it must be something more serious than stress we are suffering.

Try to keeep yourself busy and learn to relax it will help you to feel better.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

15-05-05, 00:15

Yes it sounds like it was a panic but a one off one and now you're not on mood altering medication you may never have another one either..

You may well benefit from some CBT for you worrying


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

15-05-05, 12:20
Welcome aboard Keri!! :D

15-05-05, 12:37
Hi Keri

Yes sounds very much like anxiety to me, I get alot of similar symptoms they can drain you so much sometimes I have no energy at all and it feels like I have to drag myself around-I also am doing CBT it does help you to understand the anxiety more they also teach you muscle relaxation and breathing exercises and the art of positive thinking, just remember you are not alone in feeling this way Keri, Take care XKirstyX

15-05-05, 16:20
Hi Keri

Good to see you on here.

Have you read the First Steps article on the website as there may be something in there that helps you. (www.nomorepanic.co.uk/firststeps.htm)

Panic attacks are very scary - most of us know that - so it is no wonder it freaked you out.

Be kind to yourself as well - relaxing baths, chill out time and relaxation CD's. It all helps.

Anyway, glad that you found us.


15-05-05, 17:41
Hi Keri

Welcome to the site. Hope we can all be of some help


15-05-05, 18:17
Hi Keri

Welcome to the site. I am sure we will help you all we can.

Have a good read through some of the post and that will give you some support and realise that you can get through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.