View Full Version : Out of breath - need to go out

25-08-08, 13:06
Sorry for making so many threads. :blush: I know I've only just joined.

Anyway, I'm going out with half-sisters & dad, but I'm already feeling very out of breath and, from past experience, it's not a good idea to go out when I feel like this. There's no way I can cancel it, my half-sisters are too young to understand about panic attacks, my dad doesn't understand either. The car journey alone takes 45 minutes and I feel so far away from home.

How can I breathe properly? It feels like there's no oxygen going into my lungs and my chest is going to burst. Has anyone else felt like this? How can I cope when I'm outside?

25-08-08, 14:06
Please dont worry about how many posts you make. Thats what this is here for. About your breathing, when you start to feel anxious, take a deep breath in for a count of 7 if you can and hold it for about a count of 3 then release to a count of 7. This will help keep you from hyperventilating and setting off a panic attack. If your dad doesnt understand them maybe you could explain them to him to get support in case they happen while you are out in public with him. That way they dont get scared that there is seriously something wrong. He can also help calm you if it happens. Support is what you need when an attack happens. Take care and enjoy your trip.

25-08-08, 14:21
I suffer exactly the same thing. If I know I have to go out then I start getting out of breath and panicking. I am agoraphobic. Just the thought of walking outside anywhere puts me right into an anxiety state and the first symptom is my breathing. I find that if I can sit on a bench for a while when I'm out and then get up and carry on I feel better. Perhaps you can do the same? Even a wall will do if there are no benches on your route. Once you're sitting down try and control your breathing in the way that the previous poster described.

Even if you can't manage to breath in for seven seconds and hold your breath at least try to breath in slowly for a count of three and then exhale for a count of five. Gradually you'll get your breathing under control. Good luck with your trip.
