View Full Version : taking diazepam

25-08-08, 13:42
my doctor has put me on 5mg diazepam but what im wondering is if you can split the tablet and just take half i only need to take them as needed but im abit devious in taking a whole 5mg one because i know they can be really addictive any help would be appreciated thank you

25-08-08, 14:20

Yes that is fine. I used to have 2mg ones and split them in half as 1mg worked fine for me.

Just be aware they may make you a bit drowsy.

25-08-08, 14:43
thank you for the reply i havent taken any yet but if needed i will only take half now i know its ok thank you again helen

25-08-08, 15:29
They do have a calming effect and helped me get through some really bad panic attacks so I hope they help you too.

25-08-08, 15:38
Yes valium can help a lot for panics if you use them wisely like you are.
Hope they help you hun