View Full Version : Painful eyes

25-08-08, 14:37
I have had a stuffy congested nose/sinuses for about 2 weeks following a cough. I am steaming and taking sudaged if it gets really bad and I have a nasal spray as I often suffer with my sinuses.

I saw the GP last week and he said it wasn't sinusitis as id have a temperature and face would hurt to touch. It also keeps jumping sides.

Today my left nostril is stuffy, im not snotty at all its just stuffy, ear on that side feels abit clogged up and ive just noticed that when I look up my eyeball aches. I have been getting this alot in the last few months when I get stuffed up.

I still have no facial pain or temperature so I don't want to rush to the GP but I am a tad worried about the pain when I move my eye.

I am seeing the ENT on wednesday to get a 2nd opinion on my sinuses, had a CT scan 2 years ago which was clear but I am still suffering.

Feeling rather fed up and anxious this afternoon because of it.

Has anyone else ever had the pain in the eyes? my hubby says im probably just tired but its on the side where I am very congested.

25-08-08, 19:00
These are all anxiety symptoms and I have the same things happening every day. My docs said that it is probably TMD (jaw related). We need to rest the tounge and not push it agianst the top of our mouth and also try and chill your jaws and do not bite your teeth together too much. Seems to be my problems. Stuffy nose, thraot ache, feeling like having a flu are very common. I even get the feeling of a bruised nose sometimes. I had a MRI, Ultrasound of my sinuses, xray of jaws, weird things stuck up my nose and nothing. All the response i did get was "ARE YOU STRESSED??"

25-08-08, 19:03

Did you have eye pain though, i do when I look up and tonight im so anxious that it must mean ive a proper sinus infection and that I will get meningitis:-( feeling so scared tonight and jumpy.

I had a CT scan and all was clear, was told that its probably an allergy, this was 2 years ago now, he said it might even just be stress related, my GP agrees with him. Thing is I get proper sinus pain which jumps sides, one day right ear can feel full of presure, in cheek and nostril will feel stuffy then next day it will all be on my left:-( really gets me down and worries me. This has all come back since having a virus which has really dragged on.

25-08-08, 19:16
Do you have more pain in your face when you bend yourself forward? If yes it could be sinuses. But I don'[t think it is. Looks like lots of people here get it. Therefore it seems to be a rather commom anxiety symp

25-08-08, 19:50
I don't get pain when I bend forward I just get a feeling of congestion in my nose? like pressure? had it for about 2 weeks but GP said as its not pain its nothing to worry about but now with this eye pain im worried.

25-08-08, 19:52

I get real painful eyes, eye strain! I think there are numerous factors that contribute to it. Firstly TMJ-gritting your teeth a lot, also a lot of time spent on a PC and stress. In addition yes sinus problems.

I am short sighted and still hvnt got my new prescription for my glasses which makes mine much worse and i have self diagnosed myself with sinus problems as much like yourself has this congestion but no facial pain. I saw and ENT who said i had Eustachian tube dysfunction...i will let you look it up!!
Who knows, i know eye pain is very common hun so don't worry. You would know if you have acute sinusitis & the chances of contracting meningitis is very very rare...


25-08-08, 20:07
Thanks Nicki,

I am stupid for worrying about it I know but ive read so much in the past that I can't get it out of my head when I get these sinus flare ups. My ENT did tell me 2 yrs ago that its unheard of and more common with ear disease but I still worry I will get a complication:blush: it really scares me.

When I look in the top right, my left eye really pulls/socket hurts?? I have had this before but tonight its really worrying me. I have had sinus/congestion for 2 weeks now, saw my GP wednesday last week and he said I didn't need anti bs just said its a virus and it will pass but im panicking now.

I had a CT scan 2 yrs ago and my ENT said all was fine??

26-08-08, 07:19
Hi Libby

I have the exact same thing at the moment - I've had sinusitis and sinus pain/pressure and post nasal drip for more than 6 weeks now. I have almost constant pressure above my right eye which can be quite painful at times. Two doctors and an optician have had a look into my eye and it all looks fine. They say it is sinus pressure and will go away when my sinuses clear up.

I find a saline nasal spray or drops helps a bit, otherwise all you can do is ignore it (I don't like decongestants, they make me jittery). I know it's hard not to worry, especially when the pressure is bad. It sounds like you've got lots of sinus-y symptoms, and that's what your doc thinks too, so try to relax :).

tayside lassie
26-08-08, 08:08
hiya libby ...yes i can get sore eyes had sinus probs for years +sometimes looking sideways can cause a bit pain also eye sockets you know the bone bit can be very tender to touch ..


26-08-08, 08:51

Have either of you been given any antibiotics for it though? I am kind of worried about leaving it.

26-08-08, 11:04
I went to GP today, shouldn't of bothered though because he treated me like I was stupid. I hadn't slept last night, I was 3 minutes late for my appointment, 3 young children in tow and he had to comment on the fact that I was a tiny bit late, give me a break!!

He just listened to my symptoms then all he did was press my face, I said it didn't hurt that much so he said its not sinutitis then, no temperature or green goo. He made me follow his finger to check my eyes?? he said that was fine. Just said its congestion and has given me another spray, been there done that! Not sure why I went, maybe I thought that they would give me anti bs and I would feel better soon. He said it will go in time.

Today I ache all over, I am shattered. Just taken pain killers but I have 3 young children to look after, at the mo I am letting them play the olympics on the wii to give me abit of peace for half an hour. My husband isn't home until 6.30, roll on bedtime!

26-08-08, 11:10
Could i really be imagining all of these symptoms??????? surely anxiety cannot cause ear pressure/pain, sinus type pain and pain in eyes??? I am seeing ENT tomorrow for a 2nd opinion. I saw them 2 yrs ago and had a CT scan which was clear and got no answers:-(

26-08-08, 11:14
I'm sorry you're having a bad time of it, Libby. And it really doesn't help when you have an unsympathetic doctor. I've been there too!

As to his diagnosis, my understanding was that you can get viral sinusitis which has quite different symptoms to bacterial sinusitis. The bacterial version has the green goo, pain when face is pressed, heavy nasal congestion. I didn't have any of those symptoms, but went to my doctor with post-nasal drip, sinus and ear pressure/pain, (especially when leaning forward) and swollen glands. She thought it was a viral sinus infection. Not saying that that's what you have for sure - I'm not a doctor - but it is possible to have sinusitis without the bacterial symptoms.

Hope your hubby gets home soon and eases the pressure for you... :winks:

26-08-08, 12:34
Thanks Leebee,

Its just the eye pain when I look up thats the worst, I hope it passes soon.

26-08-08, 14:31
Would TMJ explain my symptoms? I had this once and couldn't open my mouth (myhusband thought it was great, haha) wondering if it could be that as im always stressed and tense.

26-08-08, 15:34

It could be TMJ yes- i have it and the tempromandibular joint is connected to the face so you get eye and temple pain. Have you recently had a cold? If so then it is likely you have sinus congestion too honey.

Please don't worry, you have no temperature, green post nasal drip or pain so it wont get any worse like you think it might. Take some Ibuprofen & paracetamol together every 6 hours and any inflammation will reduce & eventually go.
Also try & avoid the PC as this will strain your eyes and make the orbital pain worse hun xxxxx

26-08-08, 16:03
no nothing.......I am sure its just the anxiety

26-08-08, 20:27
Really glad I saw this post.

I've had a sore left eye for a while now, its sort of tender if I apply any pressure. I also get a bit of pain in my browbone too - have had this for ages. Sometimes both my eyes smart and feel irritated but I think this must be from starting at a screen 8 hours a day. I've got an appointment at the optician next week as my GP just wasn't interested. It's worrying me.

I've also had a runny nose since about the middle of April now - it just does not let up. Its not as bad as it was but it still leaks...its really bad when I exercise. I can also feel congestion in my ears and gunk in the back of my throat.

I'm a teeth grinder too.

I'm also pretty stressed at the moment!

26-08-08, 22:45

I think it could be stress, we shall see what he ENT thinks tomorrow.

I haven't had a cold but I had a cough which started 4 weeks ago, its almost gone now. I did have some sinus congestion 2 weeks ago so maybe its that too.

04-01-09, 18:57
how did you get on with the ent?

11-01-09, 15:53
Well, I could have written this post myself, please read my first post if you get chance.

I had a sinus infection, or what was thought to be that until I went to an ENT, same symtoms as yours and I still have them now but I have these below too:

Mine moves from left to right, ear fullness/ache, throat lump also moves from left to right, teeth ache and my ENT diagnosed TMJ due to stress and anxiety, clenching my teeth and grinding them, mine also goes down my body too, does yours, any leg or back pain?

What has yours said?