View Full Version : Ladies Please - PMS/Premenopause Help

25-08-08, 16:46
Dear ladies
do you suffer with PMT? If so do you have the same symptoms as me and if so have you found anything to help you?
I get this horrible real bad tired feeling and my body feels weak and everything hurts including muscles and joints, I get anxious, I have trouble sleeping and wake up so early, I get super paranoid about health worries (like now!!), I just want to shut myself off and be on my own, and generally feel so awful. This lasts before my period and sometimes during and after.
I am thinking of trying antidepressants but not sure if they are the answer. I do suffer from low times and anxiety so they may help?
Just feel so alone and feel so down at the moment trying to cope with it all and not take it out on my poor kids as they don't deserve it, well not all the time!!
Am I starting with pre-menopause I am 38?
Any help or advice or recommended meds would be good.

25-08-08, 17:37
Hiya hun

I have read similar threads about Woman and stress/anxiety around period time and it does sound pretty common. Certainly from my own personal experience, i become quite low and often feel like crying for no major reason.

I have heard of some people on here suffering 100 times worse than i do so i hope you get the answers you are looking for.

Love Lisa

25-08-08, 18:10

I have definitely noticed things get a lot worse in the run up to my period, i get all kinds of symptoms and things i have managed to cope with and thought had left me rear their ugly head again:mad:

I am 41 and I definitely think it is to do with age, an older women in work said that when she went through the menopause it felt like post natal depression in fact the symptoms were very similar.
How weird is that when things started for me back in February I mentioned my symptoms to my sister, even she said it looked like postnatal depression which I suffered from very badly 11 years ago, I haven't had a baby or a miscarriage or anything (however I have noticed a few hot nights, not the exciting version I hasten to add!) at one point my hubby was on nights and my little girl was in bed with me and she woke me up to ask if I was sick and had wet the bed!

sorry to ramble but I think there is definitely a hormonal aspect to all this.

feeling horrible myself today but having some bad and not so bad days at the moment, things will get better but I do not think that there is such a thing as a quick recovery with this thing.

Lots of love

25-08-08, 18:18
Thanks for your support, I just feel so tired today and I am worried if it is PMS or something else?
I hate feeling down and just not having any get up and go. I know it seems a young age as most articles are people over 50 but my doctor did say hormones get worse with age and after having kids.
Do you take anything for it? Do you get tired and achy or is it just me, also with PMS my health anxiety goes thru the roof....


25-08-08, 18:59
tired or achy you don't know the half of it I feel like I have been run over by a bus, i get very very fatigued as though I have got some terrible disease really really exhausted and this scares the hell out of me because in the past I could not sit still for a minute always on the go, cleaning, going to work, swimming etc, now I could quiet happily get out of bed and crawl onto the sofa and stay there, things definitely go worse with the old ha before a period.
what are we like



25-08-08, 19:24
Hi Heather
well you are not alone, I have been googling and been getting in a panic because people suffer from moods etc but not this tiredness, it is horrible. I am the same I never sit still, have kids and pets and work, am always on the go. Then this time of the month, it hits me. Everything is a major effort, I cannot be bothered to get up let alone out the house, and thats why I have been worried sick about some serious health thing. I thought I had some muscle wasting disease!!
Trouble is I want to sleep but I have trouble sleeping as well, so never seem to recharge.
Thanks for your comments its really made me feel less isolated!


25-08-08, 20:13
Hey Petmad

I suffer with pre menstrual dyshoria...a bad type of PMT! I had never heard of this until my doctor diagnosed me after months of patterns in my symptoms.

2 weeks leading up to my period, I'm depressed, tearful, moody, anxious....my health anxiety is through the roof. Then when i come on it goes..
I have been prescribed HRT..yep at aged 25 for it but im trying my best to deal with it without the need for meds as i have only just come off the contraception pill after 10 years and dont want any more synthetic hormones pumped into me.

I totallu understand what you are going through, its tough!

28-08-08, 20:54
Hi Petmad,
I am going through the same as you and have been looking at a website called "powersurge". It's hell I know, I went to the GP's today for the menopausal blood test results and they are borderline. I was hoping that they would show that I was obviously suffering from the menopause !!! So that got my brain going again with worry. The GP did say that I was probably still going through the perimenopause though so I can hold on to that hopefully.

The Powersurge site is very good and explains a lot of symptoms that make sense. So maybe take a look it may help you too as it's helped me.

Take Care
Thinking of you