View Full Version : Baking is very theraputic

25-08-08, 19:37

I thought i would share with you my new hobby... I cant believe how theraputic and enjoyable baking is!:)

I have never been very good at cooking and baking, but since moving house we are surrounded by apple trees and its such a shame to see all the apples rot on the floor so i got my pinny out and decided to bake some pies( had to go to asda first for all the stuff you need) anyway, i really enjoyed baking the pies, i also made some cornish pasties and im real pleased how they turned out!:yesyes: .

If anyone feels fed up with themselves i would highly recommend getting your pinny out and doing a bit of baking, its certainly kept me happy this bank holiday.:)

Ohh and this afternoon i have made some Mars Bar Crunchy(delicious) and it dosnt even have to go in the oven.
Heres the recipie if anyone would like to give it a go.its simple.
Mars Bar Crunchy

Melt togeather three Mars bars with 3 Tablespoons of Golden Syrup and three ounces of butter.
Add six to eight cups of Rice Crispies and stir until well coated. Put into a greased oblong tin(approx. eleven inches by seven inches)leave to set in the fridge.
Cover the top with melted chocolate and sprinkle with a crushed flake bar. Leave to cool then cut into squares.

Kids will love them!:yesyes:

Love from
Jamie Oliver (ooops i mean Andrea lol)


25-08-08, 20:10
I agree - I love baking.... I get my 3 yr old to help so not only do I de-stress, I am being a good mummy too !!!! :D

Kneading bread when stressed is recommended.

I know a good lemon drizzle cake recipe if anyone wants the link to it. Nice and easy. And yummy.

26-08-08, 12:26

I cant believe how theraputic and enjoyable baking is!:)

Now you see that's you and I are mates ............cos I like the eating part!!!:yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

26-08-08, 12:58
:emot-partyblower: Ohhh yes Piglet thats the best part !!

The pounds have rolled on this weekend ! But heyyyy who cares!

Hope you are well hun :hugs: Finally got a new laptop sorted !


26-08-08, 13:05
I'm pleased about that hun cos I missed you! Shame scrabby has disappeared off FB now isnt it!

Piglet :flowers: