View Full Version : Hi everyone from a newbie

25-08-08, 21:53
I came across this site earlier today whilst spending another miserable day at home suffering from depression and anxiety. I have been suffering now for about 17 years and no drugs or CBT have yet helped. It has finally cost me my relationship after 10 years and with it went my home and my beautiful daughter. By the later, i mean i only see her once a week now but miss her so much. She is the one thing that's guaranteed to make me smile so that makes it all the worse.

Anyway i have read through some of the post's on the site and found them helpful and interesting and i hope to read more and join in the chat when i can.

Just want to wish everyone good luck in their personal battles


25-08-08, 23:39
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

26-08-08, 02:56

26-08-08, 20:51
Hello Stu And Welcome, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

28-08-08, 19:20
Hi Stu

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice along the way.

28-08-08, 19:30
Hi Stu

Welcome to the site I am sure you will meet lots of nice people on here who will offer you alot of advice and support.

Take care


milly jones
01-09-08, 22:16
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs:

02-09-08, 10:49
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.

02-09-08, 11:21
Hi Stu

Wellcome to the site, here you will find friendship and good solid advice from people in the know. Sorry to hear about your life issues and that you have not found any help for your anxiety or depression in CBT or medication. Have you tried just accepting that you have these problems and seeing if that lowers your general anxiety. One piece of advice I can give you is you will not get better untill you stop trying to get better. Try to get an interest in a subject that will take your mind of your troubles and try some gentle exercise such as walking. These are small steps in conquering your anxiety after 17 years but small steps are the way forward.

I wish you all the best

02-09-08, 12:23
Hi Stu ..welcome 2 NMP
You will get help and advice on here and talk with people who know exactly how you feel .
As for medication and CBT it took a while for me 2 undersdtand there isnt a cure as such for our issues just a way of accepting it and managing it ..I was expecting miracles and hoping 2 get better without doing any of te work myself .

Maybe try CBT again .

I wish you well
Titch x