View Full Version : BIG DAY TODAY

15-05-05, 08:24

Today is three years since we lost Cory and as I promised myself, I am going to visit his grave. I haven't been for two years.

I am going to visit my mom and dad and nan and grandad first, they are buried in Kings Heath, in Birmingham (for any brummies out there) and then I will go to Cory. He is in Walsall.

My best friend is coming with me, I don't think I could have done it on my own.

I feel fine, though, don't know how I'll be when I get there, but knowing me I'll be ok, don't let the emotions show do I!

I went to the Simon Peters thing last night, but didn't get any messages and did feel deflated when we left. I really thought someone would have come through, but there were a lot of people there and he only actually gave out six messages in total for the whole night. It was very interesting and he gave others so much information it must have been real. I might possibly visit our local Spiritualist church now. It would be so comforting to know they are all together and 'happy.'

Will let you know later how I get on. Because I can't get there very often, I have got a big garden planter full of shrubbery etc.. for each grave and I hope the rain will keep it well watered so the graves won't look abandonded. I do feel guilty for not going more often, but they are always in my thoughts.....


15-05-05, 09:40

Thinking of you today...

15-05-05, 09:46
In my thoughts today also, Linda.

Love Kate xx

15-05-05, 10:48
Hi Linjane,

hope it goes ok today take care

kairen x

15-05-05, 11:56
Hi Linda,

I was thinking of you last night, was going to PM you about 11pm.

Sorry it never turned out how you would of liked, but im sure they are all together.

Good Luck today and take care.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

15-05-05, 12:19
Thinking of you Linda. Hope it goes well.

15-05-05, 13:19
hi linda

i will be thinking of you today hope all goes well. i lost my son 23 years ago and went to his grave last year for the first time i went with my daughters and we said a few words to him and it made us feel better i cant visit it very often because it is 50 miles away from were i live now i am glad i did it and will continue my visits with my girls last year i planted three rose bushes one for my son mark and one each for my mum and dad so everyday i look at them and feel close it is a great comfort


15-05-05, 15:16
thinking of you, let us know how it goes, Alexis

15-05-05, 15:21

I hope today goes ok for you.

I used to go to a spiritualist church every week - I loved it there. I used to go to faith healing as well - that was very calming. If you want to talk more about it then let me know.

Hope all went well today.


15-05-05, 17:30
Thanks for your all your kind thoughts.

I am so glad I went today. I think I will be able to more often now to see Cory, its not far really from home and it did make it seem more real. It was nice to go to see others too, and I will make sure now I will go at least once a year. We need to get a little headstone for Cory so hopefully we'll get that sorted soon.

Strangely, today, I have had some missed beats....
Speak to you all soon,

Lots of love and kind thoughts,

15-05-05, 17:39
Well done Linda

Thinking of you loads



15-05-05, 18:15
Hi Linda

Have being thinking of you. So pleased you did it and you coped really well hun. Proud of you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

15-05-05, 19:14
Well done for going Linda. I'm glad it has made you feel better.

15-05-05, 22:12
Hi Linda

Hope you are okay this evening. You have done really well and faced something that you knew was going to be so hard for you but you didnt put it off and went through with it, along with everything else you have being going through.

I think you did great and you should be really pleased at how well you have coped with such a hard day.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

15-05-05, 22:50
dear linda,
i hope everything went well today - it was a lot to deal with and must have been hard.
take care,

16-05-05, 06:30
Thanks again for some lovely replies.

I feel like I want to visit Cory again already. Weird really. Now I feel that perhaps I am ready to face things. I miss him so much and don't think I have allowed myself to do that. I just want to hold him.

Going to my counsellor today, first time since before Easter. Hopefully, it will be a good visit, usually I just tend to go on about missed beats, but today we might just start getting to the root of my problems.

16-05-05, 08:23
Hi Linda

I can understand how hard this is for you but hopefully seeing your counsellor today you will be able to address this issue. Best of luck and i am thinking of you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

16-05-05, 09:09
Hi Sal,

I am ok and probably, in a way, relieved that I have finally faced this. As I said, before, I spent most of my time with my counsellor going on about the missed beats, but today, I have sorted out some pictures of everyone and I am taking them with me - he said that might help - so I know I am going to talk about these issues.

Also, I have taken a copy of what Meg sent me about the missed beats and will show it to him, because maybe it might help his other patients, who also get them. Once again, thanks Meg.

Will get back in touch later.

16-05-05, 09:45
Hi Lin,

I've sent you a new version of the article to take to your counsellor.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-05-05, 12:12
Hi Linda,

Glad you managed to go. Well done for being so BRAVE!

Take Care.

Big Hugs,

Love PIP'S X X

16-05-05, 17:30
Hi Linda

I hope today has gone okay for you. Let us know how you have got on.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

16-05-05, 22:19
Hi Linda

Just a quick post to see how you are doing and if there is anything i can do to help you. PM me if you need some extra help after you have being through so much. I think you have done really well and i am really proud of how well you coped.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-05-05, 06:51
I'm fine, don't worry!!!!

Talked to my counsellor about going to see the medium (he wasn't impressed though, lol) and then about visiting everyone on Sunday. I had written a story about my moms life in Take a Break magazine, not long after she died and I took him that. There were pictures of them all together on there and he was genuinely moved and even photocopied it! I also took the pictures I have of Cory. I explained how I felt at Cory's grave and he said that he thinks I have now managed to move on. I want to go back to visit Cory, I feel I need to and I want to get him a head-stone sorted and his resting place to look nice. I do long to hold him and that feeling will never go but at least I have finally faced up that.

Meg, I didn't get your e-mail in time, I didn't get back on computer until today (we haven't got broadband:( boo hoo!) but I took the other one and I'll take the new one next time. Thankyou.

Sal, I will PM you soon, hope you're ok and I am here for you too, REMEMEBER!

Take care,
Love, Linda.xxx

17-05-05, 09:46
Hi Linda

You are doing really well and i am pleased you have come so far.

You take care of yourself and here if you want to talk.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.