View Full Version : Feeling all weird is it anxiety?

26-08-08, 00:02
Does anybody else have this with anxiety? Sometimes I go into work after a few days off and feel all strange and need to readjust to my surroundings and think is this real? For example tonight watching a sci-fi film has made me feel all strange like my life is going to be like the film or something. Everything just seems starnge sometimes.

I've had depersonalisation before with anxiety normally it lasts a week or so and fades but this symptom seems to appear once or twice in a week and goes away..is this anxiety or am I going mad or something?

I'm just worried as it randomly crops up and I feel all funny, the same happened when I had a bad dream it took me about 1 hour to adjust again.

26-08-08, 00:32
I have felt like this too. I came home from camping for 4 days and felt really strange in my own home. It took me about an hour to adjust. If I wake up from a bad dream I find the bad feelings linger for a while. You are not going mad.
Take care.

26-08-08, 06:14
ya i feel weird too! ya movies can make me feel odd sometimes i need to remind myself its just a movie as i get to into it.
never had the derealization but have felt like i was going mad! but its anxiety so its ok its normal x

Veronica H
26-08-08, 10:20
Hi Phil
You feel this way because your nerves are sensitised. I would suggest you read 'Self-Help for your nerves' by Dr Claire Weekes. Published by Thorsons ISB 978-0-7225-3155-6. I know the last thing many of us want to do is read a book when we feel like this, but is a quick easy read by a real expert in this illness. I promise you will not regret it.
Best Wishes
Veronica H

30-08-08, 18:19
Hi mate,
Not being funny, but don't watch weird films. If you're prone to anxiety, they really don't help. Guard watch you watch.
