View Full Version : death dying -advice please everyone!

26-08-08, 06:01
Hi guys,
I am just blogging one of my anxiety issues that causes alot of worry in the past 4 months.Lately I been obsessed and scared about death and God and the process. First im young im only 23 next week although feel life is so short and mine is flying by. for some reason i think of death on the daily basis and how its going to happen. my panic attacks occur mostly around the subject of no control meaning if i feel i have no control of a situation i panic such as driving (others on the road or loosing control bypassing out), surgery,elevators, planes, child birth, medicine reactions, etc. make me panic. i cannot get over the fact that we will all die someday i can understand other people dying but myself it seems too odd and too crazy and i just cannot accept it. i dont know what to do because it will happen, some will say youre too young to worry but ive seen people and met people my age who died. i met a kid at a party for example for the first time who was 25 and healthy he was nice and kind two days later for some reason he decided to try a drug he hadnt done in years for fun and died instantly. yes the drugs was his choice but the fact that he just died 2 days later after i saw him right next to me young and healthy freaked me out. ever since that and two girls from my high school dying in a car accident i have been thinking about it for yearsbut mainly obsessing about it the past few months. any tips? im christian i believe in God but im too analyitical to just put my faith into something i was taught that has many skeptisim one being the many religions out there that all have had prophets or Gods. how am i to say im right and my religion is the right one? also my anxiety makes my mind race which i can notice just by this blog...i start with one problem and add others... ughhhh goodluck all id appreciate some advice

26-08-08, 06:11
i am afraid of dying too! im 22. ya i think time goes too fast! its scary, i think your compulsivly worrying about death like its become almost habit.
try to accept what you cannot change n maybe try therapy x

26-08-08, 12:40
Everyone worries about dying at somep point or other. Many people willl even constantly worry themselves about it for a period of time in their lives.
The best advice i can give is to accept that this will happen to you one day, but also to come to peace with it. You can't enjoy your life to the full worrying about when it will end, it is inevitable. People of all ages die, but people of all ages live. You are one of those who is alive, so make the most of it and live one day at a time working through it :hugs:

Malton Seadog
26-08-08, 13:45
When I think about dying, I think of all the amazing things I can do in my LIFE before this happens.

According to some magazines, the amount of people who have EVER been born is in the region of 107,000,000,000.

The amount of people alive today is around 6,000,000,000.

That makes you and I and everyone part of a unique 5.7% group of people who have ever existed that are enjoying life here and now.

Treasure it and enjoy it!

26-08-08, 13:47
I understand how you feel and I can fully understand how you feel when it comes to religion. I to believe in God but find it hard to "trust in him" when it is hard to trust in even the ability of other people to drive cars!

I am scared of death. I have lost family and friends to various things, even one to drugs. The guy collapsed right next to me because of taking a drug. A friend of mine died, and that really freaked me because she had a son the same age as mine and it broke my heart.

I watched TROY and it is so depressing that it sent me into a anx spin and I just was a mess for weeks thinking about these things I don't know how I get over it, mind you I don't it is still there! but I manage to control it with occupying my mind. Plus I keep saying in my brain that should something happen I will try my best to fight and survive! I am not going to just roll over and die I am a fighter and am here for a reason and that really helps me.

It is horrable, I hope it manages to pass or at least take a back seat for a bit so you can enjoy life. I also once had a crises of faith but have since launched myself back into my belief I guess we have to learn to trust and believe in something and it can help maybe speak to your priest/paster about your feelings, it has helped me at times.

Take care,


26-08-08, 22:50
I work as an undertaker:ohmy:

Life is too short......go live it

You are a long time dead:wacko:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

27-08-08, 16:43
I'm in the same boat at the moment. I'm constantly thinking about how I will die and how it will feel for me etc etc etc. It's just horrible, I hate it, I want to be normal again.

I feel your pain, I really do. I think the best to do is to focus on life, and living it, which I know is hard, but it's the only way I think. Focus on love and friends and family, and little things that you enjoy.

Right now I'm totally freaking about this thing with Russia and everything.

27-08-08, 17:02
I already love life. I love it so much that I'd be happy to stay right here. I know many people think ahead to heaven, or to whatever they believe in. I believe in heaven too -- but I'd be happy to stay here and just enjoy being on Earth with people.

I'm 52 years old, and I started having trouble dealing with my upcoming death when I turned 50. I know that I'm entering the autumn of my life. I also know how incredibly fast the past 52 years have gone by. If I live another 20, I know its' going to go even faster still. And that's if I'm lucky enough to be around for another 20!

So . . . what I've been doing is learning to enjoy not just every day, but every hour. After a while, you truly do begin to appreciate each little bit of time, each smile, each bit of laughter, a hug, a kiss, the feeling of being loved, having an ice cream . . . EVERYthing begins to take on a new meaning that I haven't quite ever felt before.

I know that time is running out. I can't understand how we don't go insane knowing that its coming.

But, I will say this: it is certainly fair and leaves no one behind -- regardless of power or money. When it's your time, it's your time.

27-08-08, 19:38
:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
I know this feeling very well this is what kicked it all off for me, after having a couple of funny turns in work, feeling faint, dizzy spells etc, I went into meltdown re thinking of death and dying, I have lost a couple of good friends in the last five years, been to god knows how many funerals lost all my grandparents in a year, (they were all well into their 80's) I just started ruminating especially with Health Anxiety, the racing thoughts, memory blanks etc I was convinced that I would not see the week out, then it went to the day then the hour then the minute, I had to spend three months off work still getting terrible panics but I can sort of talk myself round now, back at work now but I feel as if part of me (the part with the sense of humour) is gone forever, I have kids 20,18 and 11 and I have to beat this for their sake, honestly when these feelings get a grip of you its terrible, everything you see on the TV or read in the newspapers seems to relate to it.

Things will get easier it is just a long and hard road and you do have to force yourself.

Good Luck


27-08-08, 20:23
Well I'm 60 next March, and if I'm lucky I've got another 10 or 15 years left. How I deal with it is to channel all my energy into making the best time I've got left. Your not going to achieve anything by worrying about something like that, unless it makes you pack in smoking, look after your self and keep safe.
Just concentrate on having a good life, that's what's really important.


27-08-08, 21:39
I agree - it is a terrible waste not to try and enjoy each and every moment.

27-08-08, 21:57
Anxiety disorders have a way of playing on the mind, especially when panic attacks are severe enough to make one think that death is about to happen.

At the age of 49, I have a lot to live for. I began freelancing last year and am making a decent though not spectacular living - but I am very happy with my work. I've had someone special in my life for the last four and a half years now, something I had given up on ever having (my previous track record is terrible). Every month, I owe less money and should be debt free in about seven months - a monumental accomplishment for me.

I have friends who love and support me, and a son who is healthy and happy. My apartment is comfortable and inviting.

Yet at the height of my anxiety and panic disorder, death was constantly on my mind - the fear of leaving behind my loved ones was almost more than I could bear.

That, for me, was the worst thing. My belief system does include beliefs about life after death, but the idea of not being with the people I love here and now hurt me a great deal, so much that the idea of seeing loved ones who have passed on paled in comparison.

Needless to say, all this worry about death was not helping me recover from anxiety or lessen the severity of my panic attacks. It was a viscious circle that was hard to break out of - but you can break out of it over time.

As my anxiety continues to ebb and the panic attacks have weakened to leaving me feeling more like I may faint rather than die, it has become easier to put death in perspective and look forward to enjoying plenty of years to come. In fact, if I am fortunate enough to live as long as my father, I still have another 47 years to go!

Keep in mind you are passing through a phase in your recovery from anxiety and panic. You will eventually find it easier to not linger on thoughts of dying and begin to feel more of an urge to get out and really live. Tell yourself this out loud. It may seem silly to do so, but it really can help you slowly refocus on living and spend less time concerned with dying.

27-08-08, 21:57
hiya and i too worry about death if i think about it too much but i try not too and just enjoy every day. i feel lucky to have my hubby and kids that love me and i want to enjoy my life and not spend it worrying. i am not religious and sometimes think its worse for me cos people who have some kind of faith seem to feel alot calmer when death is looming but lifes to short anyway to worry so please try and keep busy and have fun xxx