View Full Version : Tummy Upset for 2 weeks

26-08-08, 09:59
Hi - I posted about this a few days ago and have now had a tummy upset for 2 weeks. It has got better but am still having to use the toilet 3 times a day with diarrohea (sorry if tmi). Will see my GP tomorrow (first chance as just back from hols) but am v worried in case it's sth other than a bug - has anyone else ever a tummy bug last this long? Am also freaking out about a mole on my hand that looks darker than it used to be..........
thanks for reading

Malton Seadog
26-08-08, 13:41
Hi there,

I'm the same.

It's been on and off for about 3 weeks. Some days, as soon as I wake up, my stomach feels really tight as if I really need the loo.

When I do go, the consistancy isn't quite that of the runs but it's still not quite right.

Normally, apologies again if this is TMI, I go to the loo only once a day but I've been going three times a day for the last three weeks or so.

To be honest, I've read alot about how anxiety can cause minor stomach problems but nothing serious.

On days when my anxiety is not too bad, the stomach problems aren't either.

PM if you want to chat about anything in more private surroundings, as I've got similar symptoms to you.

Matt x

26-08-08, 17:15
When I do go, the consistancy isn't quite that of the runs but it's still not quite right.

Normally, apologies again if this is TMI, I go to the loo only once a day but I've been going three times a day for the last three weeks or so.

WHOA!!! That sounds like I could have typed it! I have the same thing, yay Im not alone!

Malton Seadog
26-08-08, 17:19
Basically, it feels like a tummy bug (sickness and runs) but the symptoms never develop beyond a hurty stomach.

I was 90% sure I was going to throw up looking round York today, but once I got home and ate I was fine.

Now (5 hours later) it's back.

To be honest, it's worse when I'm hungry which I find very odd.