View Full Version : MOLE

26-08-08, 11:29
:weep: :weep: :weep: Hi posted earlier about docs visit. Went to see him today about my anxiety and this small new mole. I have used sunbed and sunbathed and not really bothered about sun cream in the past......He started off its only a blood spot, then oh no its is a mole....then actually i'd like another look in 3 weeks.... he did then say he would of referred me straight away if he was sure is was funny. He just wants to keep an eye on it. It does look funny to me completely different to all my other moles. I now have myself dead and buried with cancer spreading throughout my body as I speak...How am I goin to get through 3 weeks of worry my anxiety was already bad to start with. Anyone with any mole history or words of wisdom in coping would be great. My CBT is out the window. I can't swallow, can't eat feel sick .

26-08-08, 13:18
Hi Jannne

he did then say he would of referred me straight away if he was sure is was funny.

Im sure if your GP thought anything was wrong he would like he said have referred you straight away, he wouldnt take any chances hun so try not to worry.:hugs:

I can understand your concerns though (i was the same, my brain when into overdrive as it does)) i had a suspected mole not long ago and was refered straight away to a skin specialist but it turned out to be nothing.:yesyes:

I guess us anxiety sufferers cant help but worry, im sure all will be fine, so trust your GP:hugs:

Love and hugs
:hugs: :hugs:

26-08-08, 14:46
Thank you Andrea for your reply, it was just what I needed big hug back to you xxxxxxxxxxx

26-08-08, 20:38


I know where you are coming from with this, I have scared myself witless over moles (I have lots).

Try not to worry, he would have referred you straight away if he was overly concerned.

I have seen a number of doctors, some understand the need for reassurance......... one german doc I saw showed me pics of cancerous moles on internet.... as u can imagine i spent the next week or 2 fixated on my moles, I am much better now and know that if they change in any way to go to the docs.

Claire xxxx

27-08-08, 08:06
Ohhh it was so nice to read your reply, I have been awake all night worrying. I don't know whether to go back and say I want to be referred straight away but feel £600 of CBT Therapy out the window if I cant do this. Or wait 3 weeks and go back and still say I want to be checked out by a dermotologist. OR There is a mole clinic in Manchester... I could go and get checked there, but to be honest if they find something I think I would faint on the spot.....Husband fed up of me, only this site understands my fears I am trying so hard to be rational and I know that after all my years of sun abuse this is probably something that is going to keep coming up as I get older an the chances are at some time there will be something. Not everyone with melanoma dies, Do they?

Forever Anxious
27-08-08, 09:38
Hi! I have the same fears also. I go to the dermatologist once a year. Every year, I say, "This is it, he will find cancer" I obsess with moles, i have a lot. My husband is also fed up with me, so I understand how you feel.I used to tan a lot also without sunscreen. The best thing you can do if you see something "funny" go to the dermatologist like I do, it will relieve you (at least temporarily). My friend next door had melanoma, and that was 10 years ago! It never came back. Just think of her, I do! You will be OK. xoxox
I suffer from obsessing with every disease, it is awful. My husband is fed up. I obsess so much, i actually freeze in panic, choking, blurry vision...everything...
you will be ok, hang in there xox

27-08-08, 09:38
Hi Jan,

skin cancer is in my family and like you i have used sunbeds, i have a few new moles but unless theres any great change in them they're usually okay, my family have had theirs removed and stay out the sun now, so its not all doomy and gloomy. Your doc is probably just being cautious, i send my son to have his checked out a few times a year, he has lots and some of them are huge.

So try not to worry

di xx

27-08-08, 10:02
Hello, thanks for your replies it really does help talking. Do you think I should wait 3 weeks before going an asking to be referred or should I just go back now and tell him my anxiety is really bad and I would like to see a dermotologist sooner. To be honest I can't see that not seeking reassurance is going to work I can only see me climbing the walls for the next 3 weeks. I know its bad when I can't eat and I love eating.

Forever Anxious
27-08-08, 10:08
If it will reassure you to go sooner, try to get an earlier appointment. I know it would make me crazy also. I would just be honest with the doctor, talk about your anxiety. I hope this helps. I know how you feel. I just went to my dermatologist, for my "check'. I was terrified out of my mind. I thought I would faint in the waiting room. Can someone go with you? I have done that in the past for past appointments (lumps..swollen glands, ect...just to name a few). Sometimes i get a friend who understands my issues to come with me. I hope this helps.

27-08-08, 10:45
Hi, have just asked my surgery if they can do a referal letter for this Friday to see dermotologist that my daughter saw earlier in year. Then got to get time off work. My GP will think I am barking, as I seemed so positive yesterday morning. Hope he will do a letter without seeing me. Dermotologist on holiday after Friday until mid September. Feel better now am taking control, I know I would be fit for nothing if I waited 3 weeks.