View Full Version : palpitations when eating

26-08-08, 13:07
does any body else have this problem i have palpitation s when i swallow scares me it doesnt happen every time but has put me off my food and as a foodie this is bad news please if yoy have any helpful hints let me know i also suffer from acid indigestion and belch alot nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26-08-08, 16:43
I have acid and indisgestion too...and lots of trapped wind. LOL. You get a fast heart rate when you eat? Or does your heart skip beats when you swallow the food? Please describe this better.

27-08-08, 17:28
I'm one of the people here that gets a fast and hard heartbeat after eating a meal. If it's a day when I'm relaxed, it is mild. If it is a day that I'm stressed, it can be very noticeable. The solution you ask? Try not to get stressed. It's the answer to a lot of things here (and easier said than done).