View Full Version : Citalopram - How long do side affects last?

26-08-08, 13:46
Hi all
I have given in today and accepted I may need some help with anixety and particularly PMT, I have started taking 20mg of Citalopram.
I know the first few days are supposed to be bad with nausea and headaches. I took my first one this morning but my stomach feels all upset and I have been to the loo, I feel a bit sick and a bit spaced out!
I was wondering how long these should last for and if it affects sleep, I have read other articles that say it keeps people awake but my doc told me to take them in the morning because of that?
Need a little encouragement....

26-08-08, 14:05
Hi petmad,

citalopram, had the opposite effect on me they made me sleepy so i used to take mine around 7pm so when i went to bed i was quite relaxed,
The side effects dont last long, try not to think about them, you will feel a bit spaced,and because your thinking about them you will feel a bit more hyped up, but it passes soon, focus more on the good they will do you, I dont need them now and have not for a couple of years but would not hesitate to take them again if the need ever came up, i thought they were great,

26-08-08, 16:23
I felt very nauseas and sleepy when I started citalopram.It lasted for about two weeks and then went off.I was told to take mine in the mornings so felt drowsy all day,but it did go off.:hugs:

eternally optimistic
26-08-08, 18:05
Hi Petmad

Like everyone said above, about a couple of weeks.

It will be worth it, Im sooo much better for taking them.

Good luck


26-08-08, 18:09
My doc told me to take 10mg in the evenings. Haven't dared to take them yet as I am scared of the side effects.

26-08-08, 18:56
Same with me. Effects lasted about 2 weeks. Didn't eat much either which for me was a good thing. I started on 20mg then after 6 weeks 40mg and have been put on 60mg for the past week. Few days of no hunger, i am still sleepy in the afternoon so i tend to watch Morse at 4 till 5. I do feel spacey tho but again i know that will pass.
My husband has noticed a change in me particully going out. I can without panic. Even went out for a meal the other day.
I see a mental health nurse every 2 weeks and am waiting to see a phschiatrist (spelt it wrong...oh well never mind eh)
Just perservere, they have worked wonders for me:hugs: Big hugs and good luck

26-08-08, 20:30
Many thanks to you all! I will continue and am very hopeful for feeling better very soon x

16-06-11, 12:35

I started mine just over 5 weeks ago and felt crap the first week progressing to good in week 4 but now I feel crap again - quite a lot of anxiety, nervous tummy etc and not getting to sleep at night.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? I am supposed to be off to Thailand in 10 days for a well earned holiday but starting to dread it now in case I feel like this!



22-11-13, 18:10
Hi everyone I new to this so little scared. I started citalopram 3 days ago 20 mg and I have felt horrible since taking first tab, real bad nerves in belly running to toilet no interest in eating at all and everything I eat runs through me!! Can't sleep either. How long will this last I feel so horrible and low"..................please help x