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26-08-08, 14:20
I'm 26 years old, from Telford.

New to this forum, hopefully won't be getting these "panic attacks" very long! :shades:

Anyways my story which I've taken from the "panic attack page".........

What’s wrong with me?

I apologise for the length of this in advance.

I’ll start from the “beginning”.

In June 2008 I went on “drinking” holiday with 7 lads to Ayia Napa (Cyprus) for a week, the week consisted of heavy drinking at night followed by plenty of water in the day time.

I of course ate in the day. Sleep wise I was getting in at 3am average a night, and waking up say 12 mid day, caught a fair bit of sun as was fairly tanned but used sun cream, other than face. I forgot! Doh!

Must stress now I hardly ever drink while in the UK, I go out once a weekend maybe.

Before we went out every night in Cyprus I took a couple of “Pro Plus” pills to get me going,

I felt OK on Holiday other than the standard “hang over”. But know I was over doing it on Holiday!

The problem started in the departure lounge when we were waiting for the plane home.

While in the duty free shop I felt like “I wasn’t there” like everything was surreal, felt my balance was all over the place, yet I’m sure to other its looked like I was walking and looked normal.

Just had to sit down, I’d been out till 6am the night before and slept till say 11am(ish)?

Grabbed something to eat (crisps and water) however didn’t feel any better, sat down till the plane came.

On board the plane I was at the back, against the window.

Plane took off as normal and I’ve flown MANY times before without any problems.

About say an hour into the 5 hour journey I felt really hot all of a sudden, my palms started sweating and I felt faint again. The planes generator was near me as I could hear it; however I could hear “music” in the sound as well. I had pins and needles in my right hand. Started thinking I wasn’t really there. My breathe was going., flashing lights I saw as well!

I asked for a glass of water as felt really dry in my mouth, started shaking. Felt like I was going to have a heart attack and had to get off that plane. I stress now I don’t smoke, take regular exercise and I am fairly well slim. I didn’t really have chest pains tho! Just felt like I was “dying”. I didn’t mention it to anyone and rode it out till we stopped in Birmingham.

The plane landed I was instantly OK after that. Put it all down to too much booze and caffeine. Plus lack of sleep during the week and my body was “drying out”.

Few days later I started back at work, felt alright until the floor again felt like it was “moving” underneath me, my ability to feel things when I touched them started going as well.. It has gone on and off to this day, just feels everything around me isn’t happening.

Tends to kick in public places like shopping centres, busy bars and at work.

Also had the “panic attack” since after a night out in the afternoon after, symptoms same as I had on the plane.

Also starts when I’m in the gym. I have been to the doctor who said I had clautsrophia, which seems strange as I am not really worried about small spaces. He prescribed me some drugs to take before a moment when it could kick in (e.g. in a shopping centre) the drugs he gave me are called Propranolol Hydrochloride 40MG.

The pills seem to work OK once I take them but I don’t fancy taking pills all the time, any advice? I don’t think I had a heart attack on that plane as I do things like Football still.

And in general I feel OK, just get this whole “balance” thing and my touch and feel and sometimes started panicking over it. Feel like the floor is moving underneath me! Feel like I am “sinking” into the ground, also smell seems to be going, though I may have a cold on the way!

I’m 26 by the way as I didn’t stress my age.

Any questions feel free to ask so I can understand this, doctor took my Blood pressure and that was all fine and normal.

My diets I consider well varied and drink two litres of water a day. Take multi vitamin and cod liver oil daily. With regards to drinking I isn’t drank in over two weeks so can’t be drink.

Any support and advice more than welcome!



26-08-08, 14:46
Hi and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

26-08-08, 20:42
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.

26-08-08, 21:05
Hello Leon And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

26-08-08, 21:11
Hi Leon

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


28-08-08, 19:14
Hi Leon

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice along the way.

milly jones
01-09-08, 22:27
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: