View Full Version : Visiting Paradox

26-08-08, 16:36
Hi all,

I have a problem at the moment which has created a paradox. My history is I first had general anxiety which then led to panic attacks. In turn this led to agoraphobia and now this. The last problem is high anxiety and even panic attacks whenever anyone visits. From speaking to some people I am not alone in this. I just wanted to know how many people have experienced this, how they cope, if it varies in intensity, how long each episode lasts and whether they have had any improvement on this front.

I am seeking help at the moment via a clinical psychiatrist. Firstly I couldn't go to the hospital because of my agroaphobia so after some talking a house visit was arranged. But I had to cancel that because I had a big panic attack before the arrival- brought on by the arrival. So I have a paradox there.

In my own case it is a product of a few things. Basically it's the fear of a panic attack driving a panic attack as this has happened a few times before. At the very least all I will suffer is high anxiety for about 20-30 minutes but occassionally it's worse. Even family bring this on.

There are cases when I am OK. We have a health visitor who used to visit and I was fine. The reason I assume was I knew she would not be in long and she was not there to see me. Therefore I wasn't trapped in one place for an undetermined time. Outside I can talk to people without the symptoms too. Again it's probably a similar reason.

So can anyone relate to this? I'm just wondering how many people this affects and how it affects them.

All the best


Malton Seadog
27-08-08, 14:22
Firstly I couldn't go to the hospital because of my agroaphobia so after some talking a house visit was arranged. But I had to cancel that because I had a big panic attack before the arrival- brought on by the arrival.

I think more than anything I'd WANT someone to be there when I was experiencing this, rather than turning them away.

I feel reassured when I'm near people from the NHS, as I know that they'd know what to do if I fell ill.

I know anxiety isn't so much a physical illness, but I still feel good when I'm around doctors and nurses.

If you live with someone, perhaps you could ask them to explain to the home visitors that you're experiencing an attack when they enter the room, therefore they'll know how to talk to you during the attack itself.

27-08-08, 17:21

I understand what you are saying but my experience once I'm having a full on panic attack it doesn't matter what anyone says whether they be professional or not. In fact it only aggrivates things. The only way I can calm is to be on my own with noone there. We are all different though.

All the best


28-08-08, 09:56
I can totally relate Nechtan and get anxious when I have visitors ....eg because of my agoraphobia i cant go 2 hairdressers so my friend arranged for her stylist 2 cum 2 my house ...brill people would think ...but I was so anxious and felt sick before she came and half way through I just wanted her 2 go I felt so giddy and panicky ....I was exhausted after she had gone and had 2 go and relax .

I have it more now than before but I just worry incase i panic then I do panic

Its very frustrating and very hard ..my friend is visiting saturdayI havent seen her in ages and Im getting anxious allready xxx

big hugs Titch xxx

28-08-08, 23:43

In both your cases I can definitely relate. The thing with me is that even going into another room doesn't help. I need the flat vaccated of all people other than those I live with- ie my family. And I do want to yell "Get out" to people because it gets so bad and I see that as the only fix- though I never would yell at anyone.

All the best


28-08-08, 23:51
Why do we feel like this ...is it because people are coming in 2 our safety zones ? I never felt like this before until my last episode and became agoraphobic ...do you think its something 2 do with agoraphobia ....I just have 2 be by myself 2 feel relaxed and comfortable xxx
Titch xxxxxxxx

29-08-08, 00:02
In my case you are spot on. For me it is all about the safety zone. With the agoraphobia I have an escape- back home. With this though there is no one to escape to so I think that is what brings on the anxiety. Maybe if I wasn't agrophobic it would be easier as I could at least get out of the way if required.

31-08-08, 00:34
I don't know if it's that different from other people's as it sounds exactly the same as my own. Whenever and wherever I have a panic attack I have to be on my own. Not only that but I have to clear the home because I cannot relax and deal with it until I know everyone bar my wife and children are out of the house. I hate people lingering.

Your reasoning of the safe zone is exactly the way I feel.