View Full Version : Feeling abandoned!

26-08-08, 19:09
I have been recently referred to my doctors inhouse counselling service because of my anxiety and panic symptoms.This was at the beginning of May and now it's August and I am still waiting.I have phoned her 4 times and she just says I am on the list and will have to wait but the anxiety is getting worse-much worse and it has spiralled into insomnia as well.
I feel frightened and unhappy about it and when I come on here and read about all members who are having counselling that is helping them and cbt therapy etc it just compounds the worry.I am glad that folk are getting help but I feel as though I am at sea without a paddle and floundering on my own.My husband is getting sick of my moods and anxiety issues because I am trying to cope without any help and I am not winning the game.I am sorry to moan in this thread but I thought I would have a programme to follow by now and I haven't and the panic is winning.I go to bed on a night and the thoughts in my head keep me awake as I am worried about a lot of things.I have enquired about private treatment with a pyschotherapist but it is 45/50 pounds an hour and I just can't afford it.I wish I could counsel myself as deep down I know why I have anxiety but I just need a shoulder to cry on I think.

26-08-08, 20:31
what about calling one of the free services? in ireland there is free counselling called compass, maybe try to find out if there is any other free services in your area.
also there is the samaritans, that you can call up just for a chat, they are there to listen to you and give you support.
I know there are a few phone services that you can call, try going to your local mental health website

Hope 2
26-08-08, 22:41
Hi Mothermac

I reckon you have every reason to feel as you do, does your doctor know you are feeling worse than previously? Although I have had CBT in the past, I was refused more help. That was a few years ago and I have only just plucked up courage to seek further support. The place I am gonna be having counselling from is a charity based organisation, a Well Women's Centre. Maybe this might be an option for you whilst you wait for the NHS to come thru. I found it on the net under local counselling services..........oh and I stuck the word FREE in the google box :D .

Well done for trying so hard to help yourself that deserves a pat on the back in my book. I, like you, feel I kinda know why I am still not well, so insight is good yes?? lol. Whatever occurs, us lot here can be your shoulder, anytime you feel the need.

Best of Wishes
Hope xx