View Full Version : New person on the site - would love advice

26-08-08, 20:04

I am 34 and have been have had something not right with me for over 10 years. My main symptom is dizziness, I feel like I am walking on cotton wool most of the time. It is made worse by smoking, drinking (the next day), stress, exercise, anger and busy places.
I have been unable to enter a shopping center for nealry a decade as I feel I will collapse at any time. If I try and do a sport I love - I feel like I am in a dream and then my heart goes mental and I have to stop.
I wake up dizzy most of the time, go to bed dizzy and the worst part is I can't hug my wife sometimes as the feeling of being enclosed makes me twice as bad.
This stupid feeling has taken away so much from me over the years and I feel sad as I write this.
I have ECG's, blood tests blah blah and all the rest. I have been told throughout itme it is my liver (don't even drunk much), my inner ear, low blood pressure, anemia - but all tests have proved wrong.
I know I worry but I never show it, everyone thinks I am a laid back and a cushion for them to rely on. I don't get embaressed in crowds of people but I do worry about what people think. I have many fears - flying, medicines, murderers, violence against those I love, wasps (in case I'm allergic - which I know I'm not). I also have OCD sometimes and if I don't do certain things, I think something bad will happen.
In all, I am in despair and this brings me to my point. My new doctor says that he thinks its anxiety (I thought it was when you panicked not the dizzy thing!) and has given me Citalopram. But being a worrier, I am the type of person that will read into the side effects and freak myself out waiting for the one in a million reaction that will stop my heart or shut my brain down.
Anyone tried it - can anyone help me. Does anyone feel as lost as I do right now?

Sorry to be broing - its the first time I've written my feelings down!!

26-08-08, 20:25
Hiya Sutty


This cotton wool like feeling in your head sounds alot like DEPERSONALISATION/DEREALISATION to me which you can read about on the forum and see if any symptoms match.

Ok i'm NOT one for trying to force people into taking medications when they don't want to BUT in your case i certainly would give them a go.

I'm certainly not a doctor and can't say for definate that you suffer with Anxiety but i'd bet my bottom dollar that you do but that's only my oppinion hun.

Have a good read through the main forum and see what you think!!

we are all here to help so just post and we will reply!

best of luck

love Lisa

26-08-08, 20:36
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.

26-08-08, 20:51
Thanks for the advice - should I be feeling so rubbish the whole day though, even when I don't feel anxious?

26-08-08, 21:03
Hi Sutty

Welcome to the site and I for one can really relate to your dizzy problem, this is the one anxiety symptom that really bothers me I don't even have to be anxious for the dizzy thing to come on so I know how you feel.

Take care


28-08-08, 19:19
Hi Sutty

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice along the way.

milly jones
01-09-08, 22:18
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs:

Veronica H
02-09-08, 10:13
Hi Sutty
welcome to NMP. I take Citalopram 10mg per day which is a low dose. It took about two weeks to kick in after which I felt a definite lift in my mood and calmer with less racing thoughts.
Best wishes
Veronica H