View Full Version : scared i cant cope

26-08-08, 20:57
Does anyone feel...that they are terrified of the next thing, that will happen, that will be hard for them to cope with? Like things way far off in the future?
Like I am terrified of dying because I dont want to go through being scared, and so that makes me all panicky and anxious now, even though I am young and healthy. I am terrified of hospitals, and I am scared of getting sick, in case I HAVE to go to a hospital, and I dont think I could cope with that, like I think I would just have a complete panic attack there...
Like I am just scared of the next big thing that might happen....no matter how unrealistic, I am scared that something really stressful or scary will happen, and I wont be able to deal with it????
Anyone? Or am I alone and just doing this to myself?

Hope 2
27-08-08, 02:18
Hey Katie

Anxiety is the pits eh, we are all scared of something, some of us don't even know what we r scared of. You are defo not alone. Living like the worst might happen is almost if not as bad as the worst actually happening, for me it was, but not anymore. You can be well, honest. Have you spoke to anyone about your probs? You will find loads of info on here and plenty of support too.

Cheery Bye
Hope xx

27-08-08, 04:36
Defintely not alone. I would suspect the majority of us in here suffer the same fears and feelings. Dont let them get on top of you. We need to retrain our brains into positive thoughts instead of the worst case scenerio. Have you seen your doctor and told him how you are feeling? That might be a good first step.

27-08-08, 04:42
katie youre like my twin i feel for you! i will freak out if i even think of death

Eva May
27-08-08, 15:44
I'm terrified of everybody else dying and how I'll cope if it happens. I nearly give myself a panic attack if I think too much about it. The future is really scary to me because of what it MIGHT bring

27-08-08, 16:40
When i allow my "worst case scenario" thoughts to run off to wherever they are going around death and dying, usually i can see myself relaxed and removed from the situation, in a hospital bed or comfy armchair somewhere. When i think of myself dying now (as in the next few days/weeks/months/years), i just have strong visuals of how awful my nearest and dearests would feel, and i feel a sense of helplessness that i wouldn't be there to support them..which is probably the trigger for me worrying about dying....i feel the adrenaline surging into my stomach and that's when i'm aware im about to spiral into a panicky moment. Whenever i see or hear of stories of death, i obsess about them and imagine it were me or someone close to me- then i'm left feeling like it is such a real possibility that it could strike at any time..which again makes me panic. I guess underlying it all is that we worry far more about the what ifs, and can't regain the control of our thoughts to have faith and confidence that we don't have to worry right now..cos it may never happen.....you're definitely not alone in your thought processes- no matter how much it feels like you are.


27-08-08, 20:27
Yeah, but can it actually get better? Like thoughts, and positive thinking just seem like such a pathetic way to try and beat it.....How can it actually get better, just by using your mind? It makes me doubt that it will actually ever, be REALLY better....

27-08-08, 21:38
hiya hun, i used to think exactly like that and occationally still do, but i have turned my thoughts into positive ones and i try not to think negative too much. i keep busy and dont let myself think to much. although i am a firm believer in facing out fears but some i know are very scary and anxiety can really hit us hard at times, but we have toi fight it and quite often if we are feeling good and postive these thoughts go away.