View Full Version : New and looking for some help and suggestions

26-08-08, 22:12
Hey everyone,

Im 23 years old and am in the military and have been recently made the transistion from college to military life and i am really have a tough time. i am hoping that i can get some suggestions on what kind of help to get and what i need to do to help myself. get up with me and i would be happy to get into more details of what is going on with me. i really would like some help because living like this just is not comfortable at all.


27-08-08, 08:15
Hello I am 26 I have 2 kids. I don't know if this will help but when I am havin bad thoughts I picture one thing in my mind that always makes me smile. Mine is my husband doin a silly monkey impression but yours can be anything you want. It is strange but it gives your mind a break even if just for a few seconds. Hope this helps take care Sally

Veronica H
27-08-08, 12:48
Hi and welcome
you will find lots of help and support here. What is happening? are you having panic attacks? Or do you feel anxious? The more you tell us the more we can support you. It must be difficult being under military discipline when you do not feel 100%.
Best wishes
Veronica H

27-08-08, 14:11
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You will also find a lot of ppl who feel or have felt just like you do.
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


27-08-08, 14:33
Hello everyone and thanks for the responses. Im not sure where I am supposed to start talking about my symptoms so i guess ill just put some up here. Pretty much every symptom listed on the website I am experiencing. It has been going on for about 3 months...but the past 3 weeks have been to the extreme. I can barely function. I feel lost all the time. I feel like I am not really here. I also get very short on breath and very lightheaded and delierious. It is very hard to deal with this while in the military. i live in the barracks which is even worse because i can never get away to jsut go unwind and relax. I really have no idea what to do or how to help myself seeing as i have never had problems like this before. But, i do know i cant stay like this for long. it is to the point that it is unbearable. It is also very hard to hide how i am feeling from everyone around me. If things dont change, i am going to have to try to get out of the military somehow, which will not be easy. anyways, please let me know any suggestions or if you jsut wanna talk about this stuff.

thank you very much

27-08-08, 15:31
Hello Corvette And Welcome Im Sure You Are Very Overwhelmed Being In The Service And All, Take A Look At The Forum Hope That Can Give You Some Input, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

28-08-08, 19:10
Hi Corvette

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice along the way.

milly jones
02-09-08, 18:11
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs:

02-09-08, 23:52
Hi and welcome, glad you have found us, hope we can help, Im sure you will make lots of new friends on here.