View Full Version : Mouth ulcer and one-sided jaw ache...i'm very scared

26-08-08, 23:29
Hi, I have something that i can only describe as a mouth ulcer at the back where my tooth number 7 used to be, it looked a bit raised and like it had a little cut in the middle, it started to heal though but now it has a cut again, though it's not raised anymore. However, after this started the jaw joint at that side started to feel a bit sore, well not quite sore from the start, it was more that i was aware of opening and closing my mouth at that side, i can't explain, like i didn't feel like opening my mouth. And now whenever i move my jaws, it aches right up where they meet, at the joint. I am trying not to worry myself and i would really like to have an explanation like holding tension because i really freaked out when i first saw the ulcer thing...But i still worry. I keep fearing it could be something really bad and i am scared. It's particularly scaring me cause it's one sided, wouldn't it be both sided if i was holding tension? Anyone felt this? Thank you.

26-08-08, 23:39
Its probably coincidence that you have an ulcer and now have jaw pain. Jaw pain tends to only affect one side - I have tmj dysfunction that is worse on my left side and can cause pain in my throat/back of tongue when I swallow and earache but nothing wrong with thraot or ears! If it hurts to open you jaw on one side then you have a sore jaw joint!

If your mouth ulcer lasts for more than a couple of weeks then get a Dr or dentist to check it out to be sure but very unlikley they are connected.

26-08-08, 23:47
Thanks Countrygirl
i was just thinking that the tension in the jaw joint is due to me focusing a lot of attention there in the past couple of days. Yes, it aches when i try to open my mouth, and the ache is at the top, in front of my ear. If i keep my mouth closed i can feel almost nothing, but if i try to move my jaw it hurts.

26-08-08, 23:47
Mila ...sorry but do you have ur period at the moment or are about to come on? I get swollen gums ec before andduring my period. plus ave tmd (tmj dysfunction too) its caused by tension too.

26-08-08, 23:51
I am actually due any time now. I find it even more difficult to relax my jaw now that i have this ache, see when i have a problem i focus all my attention there and that brings the tension.

27-08-08, 00:00
That is why ur gums are feeling tender/swollen. Its normal don;t worry.

Occasionally, some women experience menstruation gingivitis (http://www.perio.org/consumer/gingivitis.htm). Women with this condition may experience bleeding gums, bright red and swollen gums and sores on the inside of the cheek. Menstruation gingivitis typically occurs right before a woman's period and clears up once her period has started.

27-08-08, 00:04
try and use a good mouth wash 2 times a day. I did that and it took the soreness away after 2 days. Try not to play with it or it will get worse and annoy u more