View Full Version : White blotches....

26-08-08, 23:59
Just wondering if any one who suffers from PA'S have or are gettin like white blotches on there skin? Like your skin is losing its colour. It has started to happen on my shoulder and neck....So was wondering if it has anything to do with panic attacks???

27-08-08, 10:52
Hi, maybe you're cold? or have a lot of tension in your neck and it's cutting the blood flow off a bit. Go to your doctor if you're worrying about it all the time.

The thying with panic attacks, you think everything is fatal and start looking for the slightest thing you normally wouldn't even notice.

You could have an allergy or something, maybe. If it doesn't go, then see your doctor is my advice, but don't stress over it.


27-08-08, 10:57

I have had this in my legs. Doctor told me its quite common in women. To do with circulation. The little red spots are also to do with a womans thing... If you are worried, then maybe get it checked with the doctor. They will take one look and let you know straight away what it is.

don't worry...

27-08-08, 12:39
I've noticed this on my own skin too and think is the ageing process - it's slightly more noticable in the summer if I tan abit cos tiny little patches stay white and is exactly as you put it a pigmentation thing.

Love Piglet :flowers:

27-08-08, 22:32
Well I am not a women and I get white blotches on my arms. The Spiritulist Accupuncurist (what a mouthful) said it was energy! The medical specialist siad it was due to poor circulation! Sometimes they are there and other times they are not.

I would suggest that you visit your GP just to be on the safe side.
