View Full Version : anxious bout going back to work ...help

27-08-08, 00:13
Hiya every1 ...well after a very very rough patchand still feeling very anxious ive decided 2 go back 2 work after 2 months off after breakdown .....I went in 2 the store I work at 2 day 1st time in 8 weeks and felt very very anxious but know I have 2 go back as I have a mortgage 2 pay ....i thought i was ready but after going in Im more anxios now ....Im going back in 2weeks .......has any1 got any advice on returning 2 work after time off ....its an environment ipanic in ...a large supermarket so just need advice and help on how I can do it successfully xxxx

Hope you are all well xx
Titch xxxx

27-08-08, 09:07
oh titch I know where you are coming from I had three months off work in March and decided to go back in June, I went back to a nightmare as my service had been restructured and I was shipped here there and everywhere I am a medical secretary in a psychiatric hospital, my first week I was shunted here there and everywhere on the Friday the office manager told me to go and do the minutes of the consultants general meeting, can you imagine 12 consultant psychiatrists and me taking the minutes, I was sitting there in the biggest panic attack you could ever imagine, but I got through it, I just thought of all the things I had learned on here and stared focusing on what we discusss on here, all the weird and wonderful symptoms I also took rescue remedy with me everywhere, I developed quite a habit! some days were awful, but I have just kept plodding on, I was convinced everyone would notice me and think I was sick (we don't say mad in my environment) three months on and I am still having bad times, but I just try and focus on getting better, I must admit that my life consists of work, cleaning the house, shops and the odd day out but I am getting there, I sometimes get upset dealing with the sick people, but I try and relax and focus on something else, and if nothing else, I now know where these people are coming from and can empathise with them.

Its not easy being in work and all the petty politics that go with it
but try and stay strong I like you have a mortgage to pay.

Good Luck


Good Luck


27-08-08, 11:45
You need to speak to your employer to look at a successful return to work. Do they have an occupational health department? They should do. Perhaps you could do something away from the public but still useful for a few weeks in order to build up to a full return. If you have been off sick for this period of time then they must be aware of the nature of your difficulties. Speak to the occupational health person and negotiate a return to work that will work for you. Good luck

thoughts and actions
27-08-08, 14:17
hi titch

I am in exactly the same position as you, in March i was off sick for 2 weeks with the anxiety- i went back to work and it was wayyy to soon- ended up being signed off for 2 months.

I have a meeting this afternoon with work re going back-should be in a fortnight. I have occupational health and have a structured phrased return in place.

I have decided that i will visit work every other day between now and then and catch up on emails and colleagues (i work in a call centre with like 1000 people) also i know that cox i have been off for so long every1 on my first day back is going to want to talk to me and ssee how i am- that is to much for me so by going in over next few weeks when i do acutally go back- they wont notice that much.

You have to feel ready to go back to work in the sence that you can manage and control ure anxiety- my therapist has said that my final stage of recovery will be going back to work, if you go back to soon it can set you back and i feel ready now to go back to work- i have my head round the fact that i am going bck to work.

I am trying to focus on the postivites and think of all the nice things i can do when i am at work- i have a buddy in work whom i speak to and if i dont feel well (anxious or panicky) then he takes me for a walk or for a coffee until i am calm- i find this fantastic and no-one else knows (altyhough i think there are a few rumours about our coffee breaks he he)

It is really hard but once we do it we have done it and will be able to do it again. Its not that we cant do things with panic and anxiety -we wont do them - there is nothing physically stopping us- its just our bodies way of copin with how we are feeling

good luck


27-08-08, 14:42
I just returned to work 3 months ago after a mental breakdown and was scared to death. Mine started at work and I was scared that by going back it would happen again. I am lucky because my boss and everyone I work with knows that I suffered from this. I went to work and had an attack but it went away and I didnt break. It was tough but I kept going everyday and took a break when I needed to get myself together. It has gotten easier over time. I have been back now 4 months and I feel so much better about facing this. I still have my days but they are getting to be less and less. Be proud that you are taking this giant step even if you are doing it to pay bills. You can do this. Take care and it will all work out for you. Stay positive.:hugs:

29-08-08, 17:56
Hi and thanx 4 your replies .....

How do you know if you are ready ..some days I think yeah i will be fine then other days I feel so bad that I couldnt think about goin back .

I popped in 2 work a few days ago and felt sick and horrible and every1 was asking how i was and what id been off with ..i just wanted 2 get out of there .....I did stay passed my comfort zone though and not escape x

its just hard thinking of going back xxx

29-08-08, 19:21
I had the same thing happen when I was supposed to take minutes at a meeting. I had a horrible anxiety attack and thought I would faint. I embarrassed myself and my boss. The anxiety was horrendous for two weeks afterwards. Another meeting is coming up on Sept 15 and I am required to take those minutes too. My doc put me on anti anxiety meds so I am hoping I can manage. Good luck to you.