View Full Version : introducing myself

donna lou
27-08-08, 00:17
hi everyone
my names donna, ive just registered & feel better already just knowing that im not the only person feeling like i do! ive been told i have anxiety & ive had it for about 3 months, it all started when i was at work & came over all dizzy,i went to the doctor who told me i had a viral infection & also might have a heart murmur which frightened the life out of me! it took two weeks for my ecg & blood tests which all came back o.k. but i think i worried myself stupid & since then ive been feeling constantly lightheaded & feeling like im on a boat. ive recently started getting headaches which come & go nearly everyday. im off work at the moment but really want to get back to some normality soon, im scared off going back because thats where it all started! look forward to hearing from anyone:)

27-08-08, 03:20
dont worry over heart murmurs i have had one for years
wish you better

27-08-08, 14:10
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You will also find a lot of ppl who feel or have felt just like you do.
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


27-08-08, 15:33
Hello Donna And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

The Fool
27-08-08, 15:35
welcome to no more panic :)

27-08-08, 15:51
Hi Donna

I've just joined today and have experienced many of the symptoms you are describing, they are very scary.

They do pass but when you are going through it it really, really doesn't feel like they will and they can leave you feeling sick to your stomach. The good news is they do pass and you can gain back control. I've tried focussing on different topics to divert my mind from what's happening and it usually works, but takes a bit of practice.

I had a panic attack in a hairdressing salon a couple of years ago and had to leave and go home feeling extremely sick. Every time I went back I immediately associated it with the attack but after a few times (I made myself go back) it subsided and I realised that the association was only in my mind and I could control it.

I wish you luck, and hope you find, as I do, that you're not alone, many people suffer attacks and it helps to know that there are people out there to help.


27-08-08, 17:38
HI and welcome along to NMP

POoh x

27-08-08, 17:59
Hi Donna

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


28-08-08, 19:09
Hi Donna

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice along the way.

milly jones
02-09-08, 17:59
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs:

02-09-08, 21:28
Hi Donna Lou, get your doctor to check your thyroid cos just read your blog and it reminds me of when my doctor diagnosed me with anxiety many years ago. He put me in touch with a psychiatrist who sent me back to the doctor suggesting he check my thyroid. My main symptom was feeling like i was on a boat and dizzy spells. BINGO i had an under active thyroid. The only thing is the anxiety that my doctor created as stayed with me GRREEAATT!! YOU SHOULD GIVE IT A GO COS ITS BEST TO KNOW. GOOD LUCK!!!

02-09-08, 22:45
Hi - I get that slight lightheaded feeling too at times, and have had intermittent palpitations for three years, which I think is probably stress related, thinking back. These things do get better!

Take care


02-09-08, 23:35
Hi and welcome, glad you have found us, hope we can help, Im sure you will make lots of new friends on here.