View Full Version : Please help... desperate

27-08-08, 01:06
Hello, I am just wondering if anyone has experienced this feeling... my lungs kind of feel like what they would feel like if I had been swimming all day... It is a weird feeling when I take a deep breath... not pain... not discomfort... does this sound crazy? Please tell me someone else has experienced this. I have had it for about a day & a half... doesn't seem to be getting any worse or any better. I also smoke... if someone could think of anything that would cause this please put my mind at ease... thank you.

27-08-08, 01:22
Hi gigi

Never swum all day:blush: don't know what that feels like. Do you mean they feel sore? Tight? Tense? My anxiety comes out in lung & heart probs, like I have a lot of air in there already so I can't seem to get a deep breath. Is that what you mean? If it is, have no fear I have had it for many many years.

Sorry I couldn't be more help. We are all looking for answers to some sort of body health anxiety thingy.

Have you done a search to see if there's anyone else had this problem on here? Or looked under main menu? There is lots of help available here at nmp.

I hope you soon feel better, take care.



27-08-08, 03:17
i think its just a funny feeling some people there head hurts or tummy and you get that i would not worry i sure your be fine

27-08-08, 04:34
I am not sure what it could be. Unless you start experiencing bad pain or trouble breathing I dont think I would worry too much. Sometimes we tend to focus on things and then feel things that may or may not be there.
Hugs and I hope it goes away and you feel better soon.

27-08-08, 05:17
do to the doctors and make sure you dont have bronchitus because it doesnt always have to be painful if not i have pain and tightness when i take deep breathes because dealing with severe anxiety i breathe small fast breathes alot (which isnt good )and to help it a therapist suggested to practice long breathes like in yoga or breathing exercises. try that out and see after 5 days if you improve it's the anxiety. you can google free exercises online under breathing techniques goodluck and tell me if it helps

03-05-11, 21:01

I think this is just anxiety induced. Sometimes when you first notice something strange about the way your body feels, (in this case, your lungs might have felt that way simply from being tired, depressed, or mentally exhausted), it is easy to keep thinking about it until it seems like it will never go away. The mind is very powerful, so it is very easy to be convinced that there is something wrong with your health when there's really not. I know it can be really hard, but try keeping your mind off of it by having a conversation with a friend, playing a game, going to the movies, writing in a journal--whatever you need to do to distract yourself. You should have nothing to worry about, especially if you live a healthy lifestyle (you don't smoke, for example). If your lungs might feel that way because of health habits, it might be a good idea to go see the doctor, just in case. Even if you live a really healthy lifestyle, it still might be a good idea to go to the doctor just to get feedback and the reassurance that there's nothing physically wrong. If, at the end of the day, your distraction tactics have not worked and your doctor says you're lungs are fine, try adopting an "Oh well, it will go away in time" attitude or an "Oh well, my lungs feel this way but there's nothing wrong with me...so oh well!" attitude. Remember, believing means you're already half way there. So have faith!

Take care,