View Full Version : help

27-08-08, 10:27
My husband has taken seroxat for the last 4 or so years, his behavour changed slowly over the last month until we have hit crisses point.
He is confused, aggressive, violent and then a split second later he is calm and crying. he refuses to accept there is a problem. I think he has stopped taking his medication infact i am sure he has. I am actually now living at my sister as i admit i am frightened of his erratic behavour. I would be so thankful for any advised off anyone, because at the moment i do really do not know what or were to turn.
I love my husband very much and hate seeing him like this

Nic x:weep:

27-08-08, 10:35
hiya nic

well from what you have said i think maybe he has some form of bipolar i don't know a lot about it but look it up there will be lots of info online about it.
thing is he is going to have to get help from the doc with this one i think and try talk about it
do you feel you can go have a talk with him about it or is his mood to up and down?
it could also be due to him stopping his meds maybe ,you should always stop slowly and not right away !

jodie xx

27-08-08, 14:11
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You will also find a lot of ppl who feel or have felt just like you do.
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


27-08-08, 14:39
Thanks for the replies

I am going to see his GP on Monday morning and i have written everything down,my husband has never shown any symptoms like this before. He has obviously had anxiety and panic attacks. I am aware that he is not himself and that gives me some hope but trying to get advise and help is really difficult. He thinks his behavour is normal and until he realises its not the medical profession will not intervine. I am feel relieved that i have found this forum to get advised and support. My family are fantastic but sometimes a stranger is better


27-08-08, 15:29
Hello Chicky And Welcome I Agee With The Others , I Do Wish You Both Well, Linda

28-08-08, 19:11
Hi Nic

:welcome: aboard

Sorry to hear your hubbie is having a bad time at the moment. You could call NHS direct or talk to your GP about things.

I hope things pick up soon for you both.

28-08-08, 19:25
Hi Nic

I do hope you get things sorted out with your husband and I am sure many people on here will offer you some good advice support.

Take care


01-09-08, 16:22

I have finially seen the GP with Mick (The husband) :yesyes:
It went better than i thought it would mick actually admitted to having some issues, not everything but its the first step on a long road i think.

She has prescibed more medication to control his anxiety and aggression, she wants to give him sleeping pill but he is drinking too much

I still wouldn't mind some advised on helping me cope so any words of wisdom please share them with me or similar experiences.

Thanks Nick xx

01-09-08, 17:19
Hiya hun and welcome to the site, Im sure you will find all the help and advise you need here, don't hesitate to ask

Take care hun

01-09-08, 19:44
Hi Chicky,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you feel and you will get support. We have many carers here on the site too. I think you should continue to go to the doctor with your hubby. Perhaps the next time you could discuss his issue with drinking, not good with taking meds, perhaps that is exacerbating the problem. Glad you found us.

Take care,


milly jones
01-09-08, 20:49
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: