View Full Version : Brain Tumour.....what do you think?

27-08-08, 10:40

I know loads of people have worries over this but my symptoms have been going on for 18 months now.I have had pain,numbness,fullness,tinnitus in the right of my head also a sore twitchy eye

I woke up at 1am on Friday with the room spinnng and me paralysed....I was then vomiting for the next 24 hours , couldnt walk in a straight line or keep my head up and have had no appetite , severe nausea,confusion and now a very sore tummy.My right ear feels very blocked and I feel seasick all the time

Dr says its labyrinthitis and gave me tablets which seemed to work for a day but not now

I'm sure I have a brain tumour , why wont the Drs listen??

Iam so scared and ill,Ihavent eaten for days apart from crackers,then I have D :(

27-08-08, 10:50
I would go back to the docs and demand a referral. If the tablets arn't working for what they have diagnosed, then they should refer you to see someone.
Go back to the gp!

27-08-08, 10:53

Believe it or not, I know how you feel. You have worked yourself into such a state of anxiety, that you cant see a way to reason.

I have been to the doctor for many symptoms. A fair amount of them being Brain Tumour. If the doctor though for one minute, that you had a brain tumour, they would of referred you for tests. They have seen a lot of people, with a lot of symptoms over the course of time.

The tummy ache now, is possibly due to the fact that you havent eaten and this will give you cramps. Also the feeling seasick is probably due to not eating. If you have ear problems, this can affect your balance.

Any other symptoms could be to do with the fact that you have labyrinthitis and also suffer anxiety. Remember anxiety is a funny thing and cause many symptoms.

The brain tumour thoughts, are just thoughts....and not a fact.

If you possibly had a brain tumour, which i'm quite confident you don't there would be other pointers to the symptoms you have described.

I hope this has helped, please try not to worry. Maybe write down your thoughts and see how realistic they are. This way its out of your head.

27-08-08, 10:59
Thank You Emma , I even felt my shoulders drop when I read your reply!

I am just terrified

Fairyloveheart.....how are your symptoms now?I think I remember you having a similar concern when I did a search , sorry if t wasn't you !x

I think I will have to go back , this just isn't right.My hubby is so fed up with it , I fel like the boy who cried wolf , except I never ever lied , just worried and now I have something serious he doesn't want to know :(

27-08-08, 11:05
You saying your shoulders dropped at reading my reply. Says straight away, you are very anxious. Hence a lot of symptoms for anxiety.

If the tablets havent worked, then yes definately a trip to the doctor, you may need a second course!!

Do you know any relaxation excerises, these may help reduce the tense muscles.

Regarding crying wolf. I know what your saying there, but with people like us, it is real to us. So again, don't let yourself feel like that, other wise that thinking will bring you down aswell.


27-08-08, 12:42
Hello Hunny

I so know how you feel. I woke up one morning feeling really weird, i remember going into town & thing s were moving. My head hurt, i felt sick...i had to go to a huge wedding that wknd & was really not myself. Infact i was in bed by 11pm & made fun of as i was vomiting... & everyone thought i was drunk when in fact i wasn't.
These weird symptoms when i for weeks & it sent me into a state of panic as i felt what can only be described as weird. I went to the docs crying saying i thought i had a brain tumor...my GP thought i was going mental. He diagnosed me as having labrynthitis.

I got to may and still felt so ill & ended up having a breakdown due to the fact i was convinced of a tumor. I went back to the docs numerous times who told me that my Huge anxiety was now making my labrynthits symptoms 10 times worse & also that this virus is associated with panic & anxiety due to the vertigo etc..

Its now late august & my symptoms have gone so what 7 months, i still get unbalanced & have been to an ent who has said i ave been left with Eustachian tube dysfunction (damaged inner ear) because of it. Therefore i will always get the unbalanced nauseated feeling.

I completely understand who you feel about the brain tumor, its so common to think that. However if your symptoms have been going of for so long go back get a second opinion from another GP to put your mind at rest. Say how its effecting your quality of life & giving you Health Anxiety as you feel so ill & unsure of whats wrong with you.

There is a great site called labrynthitis.org that will clarify things.

Best wishes

27-08-08, 14:54
Thanks for your reply

I have seen a GP about it 3 times in the last year or so
I had a brain CT scan last Summer which was supposedly ok

I'm worried that it has been missed or that it has grown since

Thanks again

H x

27-08-08, 15:03
I feel pretty confident also that this is anxiety.Having said that in order for you to feel peace of mind, I would recommend you go to the ER and see what they say. If your Dr is not willing to refer you the ER may be another way to be seen by someone else (a second opinion if you will).

I hope you feel better really soon! Anxiety really does suck!

27-08-08, 22:01
It sounds exactly like an inner ear infection to me. I wouldn't worry, easier said than done I know. If you feel no better go back to your GP for some reassurance.

27-08-08, 22:14
Hunny, I can't even begin to list all the different aches, pains,and weird feelings I've had while dealing with anxiety. At one point, I was sure that I was going insane and that I would live out my years locked in a padded room somewhere. I did think of a brain tumor, but never actually said that to my doctor. Instead, I described the strange thoughts I was having and asked him if we could run tests to make sure there was nothing organically wrong with me. He did and they came back with nothing wrong.

Those thoughts of going crazy, along with some of the other symptoms, have begun to fade out the longer I am under my doctor's care. Over time, you will also begin to sense a difference in the severity of your symptoms.

By all means do go back to your doctor and let him or her know that the medication is not working. It may simply mean the dosage needs to be adjusted, or that some other medication would work better for you.

You are not crying "wolf' - you are a valuable human being who is seeking to overcome a real health crisis. And you deserve to feel better.

28-08-08, 18:30
Thanks for your reply

I have seen a GP about it 3 times in the last year or so
I had a brain CT scan last Summer which was supposedly ok

I'm worried that it has been missed or that it has grown since

Thanks again

H x

I am sure if they thought you had a brain tumour they would send you for an urgent MRI I have had two since last November as I do have a brain tumour. They are pretty accurate.

28-08-08, 18:48
Hi Trixie

I'm sorry to read of you having a brain tumour , I hope your treatment if any is not too bad

I appreciate your messages

H xx

29-08-08, 16:35

I'm sure your ok, try not to worry. If the doctors were concerned you would be reffered again, its more than there jobs worth. If the scan was ok, then try and tell yourself it is.

Trixie, Im sorry to hear of your brain tumours, hope all is under control now? xx

29-08-08, 16:43
Been there done that....

Demand to see a neuro that's what I did.

Who cares what the Drs think at this point, you are clearly upset and I feel that you should see a neuro and then when given the all clear discuss medication, I know you think meds are bad but I can now lead a normal life.

GOOd Luck Mate