View Full Version : Trembling hands - just anxiety?

27-08-08, 12:14
Does anyone else get shaky hands/fingers? Even when not feeling stressed or anxious?
I've noticed in the last few weeks that my fingers, especially the left little finger, trembles often, especially in certain positions. It's worse as I straighten them out. It doesn't happen when I relax them. It is worse when I know I'm anxious or upset but it happens even when I'm feeling relaxed and normal. I don't consume any caffeine or alcohol and I don't smoke.
I mentioned it to my doctor and she thought it was probably anxiety. I've been anxious before though, and not had this finger trembling. Does anyone else get this? Can you develop new anxiety symptoms for no apparent reason? Help?

Malton Seadog
27-08-08, 14:00
Yeah I developed the hand shaking thing about a week ago.

It happens maybe twice a day for about a minute or two and then stops.

I wouldn't worry too much - just another sign of the wonderful anxiety having some fun!

27-08-08, 17:03
Yes I have this too. I read that because of our nerves are being overworked it is common that even when we are not feeling anxious these kind of symptoms can remain. Like yourself my weakness appears to be in the pinkies the most. My left pinkie in particular feels weaker than all my other fingers.

According to the Dr Weekes book I am reading, as many others have, using acceptance this will go with time. When it's deep set it won't go over night but with time it will go again as your nerves start to recover.

All the best


27-08-08, 17:08
My fingers have trembled for as long as I can remember and partlcularly when my hands are outstretched.It's not something I've ever worried about so it.s never been a cause for any anxiety and it's not related to anxiety levels.
Don' be concerned about it-it's just the way it is

27-08-08, 17:25
When my nerves go a bit beyond "buzzing" I start to get shaky hands. Doesn't bother me except when I'm trying to eat soup, etc. and the spoon shakes, etc. I know its time to relax when I get to that point, so that's what I do. And that's that.

27-08-08, 18:33
Iv always suffered with trembling hands even when feeling completely relaxed. I used to be really self conciouse about it which would then make the problem worst. Over the past couple of years iv accepted that it happens and i dont let it bother me anymore.

Jo x

27-08-08, 20:58
Thanks guys. I know it is almost certainly another anxiety symptom but I just kept thinking "neurological problem" - you know what it's like. Then you start looking for other neurological symptoms and before you know it you're tempted to go to Dr Google... I guess because I never used to get it but now I do. I will try to ignore it. Thanks for reassurance everyone :).